Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Incompetetent Reactions

Liberal politicians are incompetent. They prove it, every day, by their reaction to events. Such an incompetent reaction is their agreement with the “Abolish the Police” crowd, which includes the “Defund the Police” bunch. You do NOT throw away your best weapon against the violence and riots and looting and pillaging that is being done by the liberal mobs (spawned by the Dumbocrats). And that is only one of the most stupid things they have done, and it’s not the only one. Their refusal to back their cops leaves the way open for the criminals to commit their crimes without punishment. It tells the criminals.”Go ahead and do your crimes. We won’t stop you. It causes low moral among the cops who haven’t quitting disgust (yet). They’re afraid to do their jobs because they’re afraid of being “criminalized” by their politicians for doing their jobs, so they hesitate when they should be acting—and this can be deadly—for them. Something else they do is take the best tools the cops have away from them, while the crooks don’t have stupid accomplices to do the same to them. Like refusing to prosecute the law-breakers they arrest, and turning them loose to commit more crimes and more violence and looting and pillaging. (Just common sense)

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