Liberal politicians are incompetent. They prove it, every day, by their reaction to events. Such an incompetent reaction is their agreement with the “Abolish the Police” crowd, which includes the “Defund the Police” bunch. You do NOT throw away your best weapon against the violence and riots and looting and pillaging that is being done by the liberal mobs (spawned by the Dumbocrats). And that is only one of the most stupid things they have done, and it’s not the only one. Their refusal to back their cops leaves the way open for the criminals to commit their crimes without punishment. It tells the criminals.”Go ahead and do your crimes. We won’t stop you. It causes low moral among the cops who haven’t quitting disgust (yet). They’re afraid to do their jobs because they’re afraid of being “criminalized” by their politicians for doing their jobs, so they hesitate when they should be acting—and this can be deadly—for them. Something else they do is take the best tools the cops have away from them, while the crooks don’t have stupid accomplices to do the same to them. Like refusing to prosecute the law-breakers they arrest, and turning them loose to commit more crimes and more violence and looting and pillaging. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
"Stop Teaching History"
That’s what at least one liberal thinks we should do. Oh, Michelle Obama thinks so, too. Mostly because they’re so ashamed of the things they have done that have made things so much worse than they had to be, and they don’t want us to know about them so we will make the same mistakes that have allowed them to run most major cities into the ground. Mistakes like New York electing DiBlaso as mayor and Chicago electing Lightbrain as their mayor. The liberal “leadership” in these, and many other cities have paved the way for bankruptcy, rising crime rates and rising murder rates. It can all be traced back to incompetent “rulings” by liberal mayors and other ranking liberal members of their administrations. Rulings against the LEGAL ownership of guns by honest, law-abiding people, while the “gun crime problem” is almost completely caused by holders of ILLEGAL guns. Thinking that they could eliminate crime if they could just get rid of all the legally-owned guns out there. They just aren’t smart enough to realize that taking guns away from the law-abiding only makes them “easy targets” fo those with ILLEGAL guns. They want to keep us from knowing about all their other bad decisions, too. Like not backing their police as a group when one “bad apple” overdoes it and therefore making it more difficult for them to enforce the law by calling for de-funding the police or doing away with them altogether. Those who do not remember the past will continue to make the same mistakes, and that’s what they hope for. (Just common sense)
"It's Established Law"
That’s what even conservatives say about abortion. Yes, it is “established law” because it has been enforced for decades, while millions of innocent, helpless babies have been murdered at the behest of their parents, by people who murder them for profit. Planned Parenthood is today’s “Murder Incorporated,” and can be depended upon to murder that child (for a fee) when the parents have unprotected sex and are using abortion as a method of birth control. Being “established law” doesn’t make mass murder of infants right. It is still WRONG. It stills a beating heart, which PP sells, along with that infant’s other organs, for a clear profit. Murder is wrong, no matter what the reason. They keep saying that a majority of Americans approve of abortion, without presenting any proof that it is so. I don’t think so. If it is, I have lost respect for the American people who would approve of murder as birth control. And PP is in it for the profit, as witness thePP Director saying (in what she thought wasn’t being recorded), “I want a Lambroghini! Of course, PP suppressed that as much as they could, by charging the investigator who uncovered the statement, while those who should have been investigating them looked into the far distance. (Just common sense)
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
They Call It "Hijrah"
I’ve always suspected that there was a plan involving all the Muslim “immigrants” who hated America, yet came her to live. Muslim extremists plan way ahead—not just days, months, years, but further than that, decades ahead if necessary. Now I find there is even a name for it—Hijrah. A “slow invasion” of Muslim extremists into our country by immigration, using their “status as a pseudo religion to stop any criticism of what they do, until we are crippled when trying to criticize anything they do until they outnumber real Americans and have infiltrated our most sacred institutions, as several Muslim extremists have done by getting themselves elected to Congress, there to do their dirty work, right out in the open, rebuffing any criticism by claiming “religious intolerance” until their eventual takeover is complete. And it’s happening, right in front of our eyes, and we can’t stop it because most people just don’t understand what’s happening. But it is no accident that Islam is “the fastest growing ‘religion’ in America.” Mostly by Muslim “immigration” into this country and insisting on “rights” to which they are not entitled. It is because it is “slow moving” that it will eventually succeed, because, like the camel’s nose in the tent, it is happening right under our noses and we don’t notice it happening until it’s too late. If somebody who counts doesn’t notice and make the rest of us know what’s happening, we will be conquered, before we even know we’re under attack. (Jibber Jabber Journal)
Trump Broke No Laws
Ever since President Trump’s tax returns were released, that showed he had not paid any income taxes for ten years, the Dumbocrats have been “having a field day” with it. Never mind Trump broke no laws, and did nothing wrong. He did what every taxpayer is entitled to do—he AVOIDED TAXES WHEN HE DIDN’T MAKE ANY MONEY. But the Dumbocrats have pushed the idea that it was somehow wrong that he paid no income taxes in those years. What they ignore is the REASON he paid no income taxes in those years. He was busy LOSING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, which is WHY he paid no taxes—HE DIDN’T OWE ANY. If you made no money, you would also not owe any income taxes, and would be similarly exempt from paying income taxes on NO INCOME. Meanwhile, Trump was PAYING every other kind of tax that he was required to pay. Millions of dollars paid into the tax coffers of this nation, while losing money They want to frame it is such a way that the average American will think he paid no taxes, at all, and broke some law by so doing. Not true. He broke NO LAWS. He paid no taxes in those years because he OWED NO TAXES. But the Dumbocrats aren’t interested in truth. They only care what they can make it LOOK like he did, so as to affect the election. (Just common sense)
Today's Politics Sickens Me!
Politicians used to argue their points with each other. Sometimes the debates even become heated. But politicians of the past usually didn’t KILL each other and their opponent’s supporters over a political point. They didn’t usually slap a hat signaling alliance with a candidate off the heads of people wearing them, nor did they assault, even kill people for wearing them. School students are even suspended from school for flying the flag of one candidate while others are celebrated for displaying the flag of another. Today, roving gangs of thugs travel about the country sparking riots, assaulting, and even murdering supporters of one candidate while carrying signs showing support for the other. Professionally-made signs somebody (nobody knows who) paid for, and the passage for which that same person or shadowy organization paid for. Politics has become a business not of just disagreement on policy, it has become a business of HATE. I know there is precedent for that in the Nazi “Brown Shirts,” but it has never been that bad in this country, to my knowledge. I absolutely hate what politics has become in this country, but I don’t want to kill people over a difference of opinion. Nor do I wish to use deadly force in DEFENSE of my political opinions because the other side wants to assault, or even kill me for thinking that way. That is “Banana Republic” stuff, when people who ran out pf arguments resort to violence on their political opponents. And it’s all so childish when it should be adult. (Just common sense)
Monday, September 28, 2020
Well, It Happened
I was pretty “out of it” for a couple of days last week, and it was decided to put me in “Hospice Care.” Which means there will be a team of nurses, doctors, and other medical personnel in close contact with me 24 hours a day, not to try and cure me of anything—they’ve given up on that. Now they’re mostly interested in “keeping me comfortable, which means mostly pain-free, I guess. It also gives me better access to my medicines, since part of it is “clearing the decks” for me to get some medicines they didn’t want to prescribe before. The best part of it is they come to me. I no longer have to go to doctor’s offices to get help if I need it. They have regular visits by nurses and other medical professionals to monitor me and when those people talk, people listen. I still have a clear, sharp mind, and I intend to use it for as long as I can. I'll keep these blogs going as long as I can, but don’t be surprised if the posting is sometimes “spotty,” depending on how well I feel on any given day. I will have good days and bad days, and that will affect it.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
It Doesn't Matter to Them
Even if a black man is trying his best to kill a cop, if he or she shoots back, ANTIFA and/or BLM will cause a riot that hurts people, gets some killed, and causes much property damage in response. When a cop is just sitting in his well-marked vehicle, wearing his distinctive uniform, that guy walking up to the window might just want to ask a question—or he might just shoot them, without warning. So why does anybody blame them if they are “on their guard” and quick to shoot? Of course, in today’s political climate, even if it is a “good shoot,” will the politicians in charge in his city charge HIM with a crime for defending himself from an armed criminal who is shooting at him? It’s a “lose-lose proposition” for the cops, who might lose their jobs and/or be charged with a crime and be imprisoned with criminals they have sent there and want to kill them. Anyway. Many veteran cops have made the intelligent decision and quit their jobs and go away. I know if I was a cop today, I would certainly “pull the plug.” Too many Dumbocrat politicians just don’t “have their back,” and any shooting can be a disaster—for the cop. (Just common sense)
Blame the Straw Man
If you can’t do your job, just blame somebody else who had nothing to do with your failure for that failure. Which is what Houston’s top cop is doing after a KNOWN CRIMINAL who cannot legally get a gun under any circumstances kills a cop when he blames the NRA for it, rather than lousy policing, and useless anti-gun laws. What kind of twisted logic is responsible for that, I cannot fathom. The NRA simply stands up for the Constitutional right of law abiding citizens to be armed, to be able to defend themselves against such criminals, not for the right of such criminals to be armed when they do their dirty work. How that translates into “blame” for a KNOWN CRIMINAL committing murder with an ILLEGAL gun is beyond me. Of course, incompetent people need “straw men” to blame for their failures. Otherwise, intelligent people will “get wise” to their incompetence. This “top cop” needs to be replaced immediately, with someone who actually knows how to do the job, and not make excuses for failure. Unfortunately, there are far too many such incompetents “enforcing” our laws, and even MAKING them. They all need to be replaced with competent people. (Breitbart)
The Worst Law Ever!
It is the law requiring “gun-free zones” everywhere you look, but especially in schools, where innocent children will inevitably be, making them prime targets for the dummies who want to kill a few of them. There has not been a single mass shooting that did not occur INSIDE of a “gun-free zone.” So it’s safe to say that “gun-free zones” KILL. And not just children in schools. A recent “study” found what we already know, without wasting money on “studies.” Law-breakers don’t obey laws. So what the hell good do laws making it illegal to use a gun to do their other crimes DO? Anybody who thinks a “gun-free zone” does anything to stop, or even slow down “gun crime” is a FOOL. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fools out there making laws and regulations for the rest of us to follow to our deaths. WalMart parking lots and other property are gun-free zones, while stories of thugs shooting people in them are many. Other “big box stores” have followed their lead, making their property a “target rich” territory for law-breakers, since they can be pretty sure the law-abiding people there will not be armed, and thus will be defenseless against them, and their illegal guns. (NBC News)
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Where I've Been
If you’re a regular reader Of This Blog, You’ve probably Wondered Where I’ve Been The Last Few Days. I’ve been in the hospital for the last more than a week, and was released on Monday. I was so exhausted Monday and Tuesday after getting home I just couldn’t update. So it’s back to business today—until I can no longer do it. Which might come sooner than you think.
Violence As A Persuader
The liberal Dumbocrats have run out of arguments, even they lying ones, so now they’re threatening violence if they don’t get their way. And they’ve already committed enough violence that you know they’re serious. They’ve told us that if Trump replaced Ginsberg before the election, there will be burning, looting, and assaults. They’ve threatened the same if Trump gets re-elected. It gets boring. So why not just commit the violence (or try to) so we can put somebody in jail and shut them up. They really think they can keep those things from happening by threatening violence, but they don’t expect us to be ready to repel that violence and punish them for it. They really think their threats of violence will stop us from doing what’s right, but it will not. We will deal with their violence if, and when it comes—and they will suffer for it. What we need to do is “reply in kind.” If they try and commit violence on us, we need to get violent on them. It pains me to see a demonstrator getting in the face of a cop, knowing the cop has orders NOT to “reply in kind. That has to stop. The cops need to be “freed up” so they can simply “hit back” when a stupid “demonstrator” acts out. I’ve actually seen a “demonstrator” put his hands on a cop and not get arrested, as he should be. And it makes me sick. That needs to change. (Just common sense)
"Sauce fot the Goose"
Should be “sauce for the gander.” But that apparently doesn’t apply in the State of Virginia. They have there, many “sanctuary cities” that have pledged to violate the law and refuse to assist ICE in enforcing immigration law, and without comment. Which is a form of approval. But when it comes to their “sacred” anti-gun laws, it’s a little different. A few county sheriffs have decided to refuse to enforce their latest anti-gun law because it’s not only stupid and unenforceable, it’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL. So now they want to send in the National Guard to enforce their unconstitutional laws—which is yet another unconstitutional act—they want to put those sheriffs I jail for not going along with their stupidities. This is the kind of thing we get when Dumocrats get total political control, anywhere, as they have in Virginia. There, they control both houses of government and the office of the governor. It’s a lock They can pass anything they want and the governor will just not his head as he signs it into law. Then Virginians suffer as their constitutional rights are trampled. Something they swear President Trump is doing, but they actually ARE while he is NOT. (Washington Examiner)
Damned Fool Activism
These “activists” just haven’t thought things through. Two more cops were refused service at a California Starbucks. And Starbucks doesn’t seem to care. But who do they call when a thug with an ILLEGAL gun comes in to rob them, and maybe kill a few? The cops! They talked to Starbucks Corporate and they apologized, said, “The employees involved will not be scheduled for work while we investigate.” Well la te da! Typical corporate gobbledegook. Those employees were not fired, and may not be. They just got a few days off. But listen to them holler if the cops refuse THEM service when some thug is robbing and killing them. This “anti-cop” activism is the stupidest thing I have ever encountered. These are the people who PROTECT us. To be anti-cop leaves yourself in personal danger if they return the insult and refuse YOU service. The same thing applies to the “Anti-Trumpers.” They hate Trump supporters and Trump, himself, while he works tirelessly to improve their lives—and HAS improved the lives of many. There are many things like this that liberals promote. Things that are contraindicated and stupid. But liberals go right on promoting them, while they kill people. (News Channel 3)
Friday, September 18, 2020
Chief Quits In Disgust
The police chief in Dallas, TX has resigned in disgust after she had her people arrest 647 “demonstrators” (rioters) who unlawfully blocked a freeway were released without charges by the incompetent liberal politicians running the city. The charges were good, and convictions would have come, but for those incompetent politicians. They turned them all loose and said, “you’re free to go.” Go and do what? Block another freeway while the new chief, knowing the politicians didn’t have his back, looked on. It is this kind of damnfoolishness that is the reason why the “demonstrators” are getting bolder and bolder, and will soon be hurting and killing people in the name of their “cause.” Some of them are doing it, already. This police chief is not the first to quit in disgust, as police chiefs I many cities have done so, when they realized their politicians were stupid and would not back them up. I predict that “on the line” cops will also be quitting in disgust, and for the same reasons. Incompetent politicians are taking away their tools, right and left, and generally making it harder and more dangerous to do their jobs. (Patriot Journal)
Coming for Home Schoolers
The state, cops, CPC (Child Protection Services) and the federal government are combining to make it hard on homeschoolers. In this case, they used the cops to FORCE their way into the home of a family that home schooled their children, saying (falsely) that they had the power to come in and “inspect” the home to “make sure their kids are getting proper schooling.” One of the lies they told them was that they HAD to teach the kids the SAME THINGS they would be taught in school (including the political lies), which is a bald-faced LIE. But then, CPS is used to that, they do it every day. One of the questions they asked (and insisted on an answer) is about how many GUNS they had, and where they were. So they're trying to “kill two birds with one stone.” That6 this “home invasion” is all based on a LIE goes without saying. And the willingness of the cops to go right along with it is CRIMINAL. (World Net Daily)
"Run, Hide, Die"
In some places, they recommend you “run, hide, tell” in case a mass killer comes and starts shooting up the place where you are. This usually doesn't work out very well for most people, since these things happen very quickly, usually before the cops *(with their guns) can even get there. And if the shooter finds where you're hiding, he'll kill you. In other places they replace “hide” with “fight.” To what end, I don't know, because against a man with a gun, an unarmed person usually has no chance. Unless he can find something heavy enough and is a good aim—and he;s better be a good aim because if he misses, he's dead. As usual, the anti-gun fools ignore the most obvious and most effective way to oppose a mass shooter: be armed, trained, and able to hit your target. The very idea of the average, law-abiding person being armed makes them wet their panties. They think they will “go wild” and cause a “wild west atmosphere.” They discount the existence of the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there in the hands of the bad guys. They just want to take your guns away. (Daily Caller)
Thursday, September 17, 2020
"Follow the Money"
Repeated domestic abuse. Sexual conduct with a minor. Strangulation. Disorderly conduct. Disobedience to officers. That’s just a sampling of the crimes that have been committed by some of those “peaceful demonstrators.” You know: the people somebody is financing to send them around the country to all the hot spots, to make things worse? Somebody WANTS to make things worse and they’re PAYING these people to travel around the country to do it. All of these people have been in all the “hot spots. How did they get there? Who pays for their lodging and food? SOMEBODY is. Think; who has enough money to finance these hundreds of fool criminals who go all over the country making a peaceful demonstration into a violent, looting, stealing one? They can be found in every city where there are demonstrations, now riots, with looting, violence, and destruction of private property. Where does the money come from? It takes a lot of it to pay the air fare or bus fare all over the country, find lodging for them, buy their food, and, last of all, to PAY THEM for their time in fomenting riots, burning and looting. Does that sound like something George Soros would do? (Just common sense)
"We Own Your Kids!"
That's what some school “officials” seem to think, anyway. In Pennsylvania, they told parents that they did not allow family vacation time as “an excused absence” and could refer them and their kids to the COPS for violation of the “compulsory attendance law.” How STUPID are they? Those PARENTS are in COMPLETE CONTROL of their children, no matter what those ignorant “officials” think. Somebody needs to straighten them out, and fast, before they are “hoist on their own petard.” Oops, too late! School “officials” and CPS “officials” are well known for exceeding their authority, and here they have plainly done that. I don't know what motivates such people, but it must be their overblown opinion of their own importance. (Preserve Freedom)
I Couldn't Believe It!
I had to see it for myself. Web sites that purport to show young women actually being raped and murdered that were openly being linked on search engines. So I tried it, and was sent to a site where girls and boys were supposed to be being raped and murdered, on camera. What the “industry” calls, “snuff films.” I am purposely NOT giving you a link to that site. If you insist on going there, you're going to have to find it yourself. The first one I saw was real. It was a bunch of Islamic terrorists murdering (executing) young boys and girls they had previously raped. They didn't show the rapes, but they showed extensive shots of dead girls AND boys and their genitalia. They also showed some gory head wounds. If that was phony, they used a good make-up man (or woman). One shot of a huge hole in a girl's head would have been difficult to fake. The second one was supposed to be of a young girl being forcibly raped and murdered in her own home by a man who supposedly choked her to death while he raped her.
It was so obviously phony, it was funny. First of all, the cameraman was there as she entered her home, and followed her up to her bedroom where she lay on her bed and exposed herself briefly. Then the man grabbed her, partially undressed her, and raped her. She never acknowledged the cameraman at any time. Neither did the “rapist.” There were many professional camera angles and closeups of genitalia. They showed the “rapist's” face several times. He deposited his sperm on her stomach and left it there, AFTER he supposedly choked her to death while raping her. Had it been real, he would have been quickly apprehended, as authorities would have his picture, and DNA from his sperm would identify him as the rapist, conclusively. I didn't look at any other scenes, because the first one made me somewhat ill. But it amazes me at the depravity of some people. First, the ones who make such a market possible, and especially those who MAKE it. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
And They Wonder Why
Those obstreperous Black Lives Matter fools are so interested in stopping police killings of black criminals that they sponsor violent “demonstrations” that hurt, and even kill people to make their point. But I wonder why the cops are so “trigger happy” when a black man makes a violent move toward them. If I were forced to run around in a distinctively marked car, dressed in a distinctively known uniform while people I have no way of identifying want to kill me, and often do, I’d be trigger happy, too. But there is no “Cops Lives Matter” organization to promote MY safety. I’m on my own. When I’m sitting in that distinctive-looking car doing paperwork, I have to look over my shoulder all the time, because I know that there’s somebody who wants to kill me because of the uniform I’m wearing. He doesn’t wear a distinctive uniform. He could be anybody. He could just walk up to my window and shoot me, as a thug did to two LA Deputies the other day. Who speaks for them? Who marches in the streets to keep them alive? Nobody. And all they’re doing is what they’re paid to do, with a very few exceptions. Those exceptions are what is responsible for the mess we’re in today. (Yahoo News)
They Have Nothing Else
The Dumbocrats have run out of arguments. Even the ones based on lies they love so much. So now they’re turning almost exclusively to violence. Aside from their forays into restaurants to harass diners, their sponsorship of riots, looting, and property damage, their burning down the property of innocent people attacking and assaulting people who are proud Trump supporters, until Trump supporters—especially us ‘old ones,” don’t wear them out any more, now they’re coming right out and threatening a civil war if Trump wins the election. Not just the candidate refusing to concede—as if that would stop “the wheels from turning” and Trump renominated, even without Joe’s concession. So now instead of just trying to get people not to vote for him because they don’t want a mob to beat them up, they’re threatening WAR if he gets re-elected. That sounds like treason, to me. It’s really bad when one of our main political parties resorts to war threats if it doesn’t get its way. I guess that makes them a criminal party. Even if some fool said calling somebody a criminal is racist, I call a “spade a spade,” not a shovel. (Just common sense)
Unworkable Gun Laws
Anti-gun laws don’t work. Surprise, surprise! New Jersey has some of the tightest anti-gun laws in the nation, but that didn’t stop the criminals who shot two civilians and a cop in Jersey City from getting the numerous guns they used in their mass shooting spree that was originally aimed at a Jewish synagogue. NJ officials blame imports from states with weaker anti-gun laws for the influx of ILLEGAL guns into New Jersey. But their so-called “lesser” gun laws don’t have any effect on guns bought ILLEGALLY in a back alley somewhere. Such guns are not covered by anti-gun laws, that only deal with those guns bought LEGALLY. Law-breakers don’t obey laws. That’s why they’re called law-breakers. So no amount of anti-gun laws are going to stop them from getting the guns they use, ILLEGALLY. And frankly, ALL guns come in from “out of state,” unless they are manufactured right there. Chicago uses the same excuse for the failure of THEIR anti-gun laws to “stop gun violence.” Neither state knows how to stop it, and they won’t even listen when we tell them about the ONLY solution to the problem, allowing the law-abiding to be armed, in self defense. The Founders realized it, which is why they put in the Second Amendment—which has been largely ignored by politicians, who should know better, but do NOT. (Mail News)
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Starting to Fight Back
Violent Dumbocrat outfits like Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and the like are going to start “running into a buzz-saw” if they continue their intimidating violence. Outfits like “The Proud Boys,” The “Michigan Militia,” and the heavily-armed “Oath Keepers,” are gearing up to oppose them, anywhere they show up. If they’re not careful, some of those people might even start showing up at their “private meetings,”where they meet to plot their attacks, and put them down, there. They won’t be able to hide, and these people are going to outnumber the PAID troublemakers in the “Soros Squads.” Violence begets violence. Usually in opposition to the original violence, and with more powerful violence. I wouldn’t be surprised if those BLM and ANTIFA goons didn’t “go to the cops” for protection. And they certainly deserve whatever they get. They’ve run out of arguments, but they’ve still got a lot of money to hire thugs and criminals to do their bidding. But the money only goes so far, and when these people come after them, they’ll be outnumbered. They should have probably thought about the possibility of organized retaliation when they started the violence. (Just common sense)
It's NOT "Transphobia," Dummy!
It’s a scientific fact: men CANNOT menstruate! Period (No pun intended) they don’t have the PLUMBING to menstruate. That photo of him with blood all over hos crotch is a phony. It could NOT be real. I don’t know what his point is, but it is a scientific FACT that men cannot menstruate. If that was real blood, coming from somewhere near his genitals, it probably came out of his anus, and shows a possibility he needs emergency medical attention—immediately. Whatever, this whole thing is a big con. I don’t know what he hopes to prove by this subterfuge, but loony liberals will accept it a true, and cite it, and broadcast it, to “prove” their silliness—without physically examining him without the pants in between. And in case he really believes this BS, he has a real mental problem, and should seek help before he actually does commit suicide. Fact: there are only TWO SEXES. Male and female. Fact: transsexual is NOT a “third sex.” It is either a mental aberration or merely the choice to pretend you’re a female. Fact: menstruation blood comes from a uterus. Men don’t have a uterus. This guy is just fooling himself. (Daily Headlines)
To Ban Self Defense
Anti-gun fools just can’t help themselves. They just have to keep making as many useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws as humanly possible, while law-abiding people die because they can’t obtain the means to defend themselves. And then they’re not even satisfied at that, they have to put “roadblocks” in the way of the COPS in their efforts to do the job the law-abiding can’t do without guns, and TRY to defend them. In California, they now made a law keeping the COPS and war veterans from being able to buy ammunition! Not directly, of course, it all has to do with sloppy entries into the database used to approve ammunition purchases. But that is sufficiently widespread to suggest those errors are purposeful, made by anti-gun fools who make those entries. All this proves is that they aren’t interested in “gun control,” they want to outlaw self defense entirely. They figure if they can’t stop us from getting guns because of the Second Amendment, they can make our guns useless by denying us the right to buy ammunition. They know their stupid laws do NOTHING to stop “gun crime,” but they don’t care. They’re “on a mission” to deny us the basic human right of self defense, by allowing law-breakers to get their guns illegally, while stopping us from getting them legally. (Law Enforcement Today)
Monday, September 14, 2020
It Was A Planned Hit
Those two LA County deputies who were shot as they sat in their car? That wasn’t a “random act” of one deranged individual. It was a well-planned and executed hit, by BLM thugs. They’re getting nastier, folks. Fueled by the complete inaction to their previous atrocities. Now they’re escalating to murder. They proved it by the organized “demonstration” at the hospital where they took those deputies, trying to block the doors so they couldn’t take them in for treatment. How did they know what hospital to go to? How did they get people organized to block the entrance so quickly? That tells of planning and organization. The Dumbocrats are getting out of hand, using murder now to further their agenda, with the liberal media blissfully ignoring it all. The KKK, a previous Dumbocrat creation, was bad, but this is worse. Dumbocrats need to go the way of the Whigs, and right now. Before they con their way back in power and destroy this nation. They want to kill cops, and now they’re doing it. (The Blaze)
Teenage Voters?
Peelosi’s San Francisco is voting on a measure to allow
16-year-olds to vote. How stupid is that? A 16er hasn’t yet had
enough life experience to be able to vote intelligently. And yet
Nancy wants
them to be able to vote and
they’re easier to get to vote her way than more intelligent adults.
Even college students don’t have enough life experience to be able
to vote. As witness the new popularity of socialism among them.
Intelligent people who know what’s going on want no part of
socialism, yet these ignorant students love it. Socialism is a system
BASED on the THEFT of money from those who have EARNED it, for the
benefit of the FREELOADERS of society, who
have NOT.
Its promoters tell you all about how you can freeload off society,
without discussing who must pay for it. They skip
right over that. Truth is, socialism DEPENDS on somebody working and
EARNING, so they can loot him.
Socialism has killed more people than any number of floods, hurricanes, fires, and other disasters, including that ubiquitous Covid 19. It has ruined every country in which it has been tried, eventually—when they run out of money earned by the PRODUCERS of new wealth. It failed in Russia, and is even now spectacularly failing in Venezuela, which was once a thriving, rich country. Now they can’t even afford toilet paper—if they can find any. In Cuba’s “socialist paradise,” the average age of the cars owned by the “peasants” (not the government officials, of course) is the fifties. They are hanging on by a thread, and will soon fail. Teenagers don’t know that, because they haven’t been TAUGHT about it. So they have no business voting. (Congressional Post)
It's All "Gun Violence"
Even self defense with a gun against a law-breaker who has an ILLEGAL gun. So if both shoot each other, it’s “gun violence.” That’s how they inflate heir numbers, folks. They also regard suicide as “gun violence.” And suicide victims of themselves are COUNTED as “gun violence,” as are cases of cops shooting back when fired upon. Each case yields TWO numbers for them to shout about. Except for suicides, which yields only one. They’re even trying to do something about that, so as to inflate their numbers, even more. And, of course, they stupidly think if somebody who wants to off himself can’t get a gun, that’ll stop him from killing himself—it won’t. There are way too many other methods if you’re determined to kill yourself. I know if I were suicidal, a gun would be the last method I’d choose. I’d go the sleeping pill route. Much more gentle, and not nearly so messy. You just go to sleep and never wake up. Their entire basic premise in making anti-gun laws is faulty. Law-breakers don’t obey laws. That’s a given. So how does a law saying they can’t be armed when doing their dirty work put any roadblocks in their way? They just ignore the laws and go shoot somebody—who won’t be armed and able to defend themselves if they obey the law. (KPAX8)
Friday, September 11, 2020
Hospital Again
In case anybody wonders where I’ve been, I’m back in the hospital. Nothing life-threatening, just five days without sleep, followed by a complete loss of energy and complete weakness. They figure I need more rehab, so here I am. Again blogging from my hospital bed. Nothing stops me, for long. No other posts today, but look for more from Monday, on.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Pushing Racism
That’s what the liberals in this country are doing. They’re “weaponizing” racism and using it as a crutch to avoid having to answer our questions, yet be able to claim victory in a debate. And they’re CREATING racism against white people, with the obvious goal of replacing blacks as he objects of racism, making them the “the second class citizens.” They CLAIM to be trying to eliminate racism, but what they’re doing is diverting it to victimize white people. “White Supremacy” is the phony words used to accomplish this, and should be recognize for what it is. It is the “N_word” for today, and is applied to white people. It has permeated our society as liberals try hard to brainwash us. College courses in “white privilege” are held, as are seminars, to which people (sometimes federal employees) are REQUIRED to attend, so they can be brainwashed, then go out and brainwash others. The specter of racism is being used to enslave all of us. And, much as I hate to say it, it’s working. Each time someone criticizes one of the stupid things a liberal politician does, he’s called a racist—true or not. No proof needed, The accusation is accepted at face value even if you can’t find anything resembling racism, anywhere around. (Just common sense)
Cuomo Shows True Colors
NY Gov. Cuomo is a thug. He cares not for his constituents. He proved that by sending thousands of sick old people to their deaths by “ordering” nursing homes to “take them in” if they had the virus. Something for which he has no regrets. He blames their deaths on President Trump, of all people. Trump gets the false blame from liberals all over to divert it from themselves. Now he’s warning the president of the United States not to come to New York, or he might be killed, because he isn’t going to dedicate any resources to his protection. He thinks he has that right because Trump threatened his “easy money” if he didn’t “straighten up and fly right.” I wonder how much of that money he’s putting in his own pocket, instead of using it to better New Yorkers. He’s a glaring example of the kind of incompetent liberal politicians there are in New York and other northeastern states. This is the kind of guy who had two crooked roads to choose: The Mafia, or politics. He chose politics and has many dead bodies to his credit in the course of committing his crimes. (Just common sense)