Thursday, August 20, 2020

Nancy's Perfidy

Surprise! Nancy Peelosi lied to us again! For a long time she told us we need to get the impeachment done quickly so we can get back to “the nation’s business.” So they voted to approve two articles of impeachment, and she was supposed to send them to the Senate immediately so they can quickly have a “trial” to decide the president’s fate. Not a chance! She decided to just “hold onto them” for a while until she could “be assured of a fair trial.” Something she didn’t seem to be “concerned” about while the House paraded ‘witness” after “witness” who had NOTHING to testify to except their “feelings” and opinions. Al the while refusing to allow any Trump witnesses who might have testified to exculpatory information. Which was one of the LEAST fair proceedings ever seen in Congress. Unfortunately for her, until those “articles of impeachment” are presented to the Senate, Trump was NOT impeached. She hoped to hold the so-called “impeachment” over his head through the election, using it to “drain” support for Trump so she can get her stooges elected and retain control of the House while winning back control of the Senate. But it ain’t gonna happen. The more he country hears about impeachment, the more money they put into Trump’s coffers, and the more of them who are going to vote for him and his approved candidates. Which will send Nancy and her stooges “to the showers” where they belong. (Just common sense)

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