Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Complete, Absolute Stupidity

Some politicians, AND some “educators” are now pushing the idea of eliminating the teaching of history. Where they came up with that idea is a mystery, to me. That old saw, “If you forget, or ignore history, you are doomed to repeat it” is a well known sentiment because it is so absolutely TRUE. There are many things we have done in the past that have hurt us terribly, and to forget about them is criminal. Not learning history is like putting on blinders and walking into a wall you couldn’t see. . Knowing history is how we know to avoid certain things that can hurt us, and to avoid teaching it will cripple us, no end. But then, the people who support this idea are too stupid to know that, and they should be removed from any position where they can influence education, in any way. How such stupid people ever got into positions where they could influence education is a mystery, to me. Somebody should have seen their stupidity tendencies, and rejected them, from the start. But no, many of the very people who hire these fools aren’t much less of a fool. They come from the same stock who want to abolish the cops and prisons, and release all the violent criminals to prey on us with their illegal guns, while we suffer under laws that keep us defenseless because we can’t get guns with which to defend ourselves against their illegal guns. Meanwhile, they just ignore the laws that say they can’t be armed. (Just common sense)

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