Tuesday, August 18, 2020

"Californicating America"

Naming “Camel’ Harris as his VP candidate signaled one thing: the liberals intend to do to America what they did to California. Turn it “blue.” At one time California was a dependable conservative state, electing such people as Ronald Reagan to the governorship, and many other conservatives to other important offices. Then “the worm turned,” and Dumbocrats gained power until whoever they put up for office got elected, until there were so few conservative office-holders that they just didn’t count. Then they elected Gov. Moonbeam, whose main purpose was to build a railroad from nowhere to nowhere, and eventually saw more than $80 million as the cost. But he didn’t care. As with most Dumbocrats, he figured it was “just taxpayer money” and he could raise taxes to pay for it. How long it will be until there is so much stinky brown stuff in our streets they had to map it so people wouldn’t step in it, like in San Francisco, cannot be known. But with liberals running the national government, the entire country will soon suffer the liberal stupidities rampant in California. By being elected VP, “Camel” will be almost guaranteed to become president when that old man who doesn’t even know where he is dies in office. And then we’re in REAL trouble. Much more than under Biden. (Just common sense)

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