Tuesday, August 18, 2020

"Murder Magnets"

I’ve only seen ONE attempted mass shooting done where there WERE guns and people who knew how to use them, and that resulted in the would-be shooter leaving with a lot of holes in him, in a hearse. That happened last year in Indianapolis where he shot a clerk in a gun store and when the smoke cleared he looked like a piece of Swiss cheese. In another case in Colorado, a man tried to shoot up a church and was stopped by a legally armed WOMAN who immediately shot him, ending his shooting spree. Both places were NOT “gun-free zones.” “Gun-free zones” are about the stupidest thig I know of that ignorant politicians mandate. They are an INVITATION to would-be mass shooters and a sign saying, “gun-free zone” might as well say, “Come in and shoot us. NO guns here.” They have been responsible for many deaths, but don’t try and convince an anti-gun fool of that. They’ll ignore you and go right on with their silly laws, which mean DEATH to a lot of people. (Biz-Pac)

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