Nancy Peelosi says Trump and his supporters are “enemies of the state.” But in reality, it is Nancy and the Dumbocrats who ARE “enemies of the state” because everything they propose to do (if they can steal the election, of course) is inimical to the needs, wishes, and requirements of America if we are to survive as a free nation. She is an ardent socialist, trying to destroy our free market heritage—a heritage that has made us the leader of the world, and the “destination of choice” for millions, all over the world. So much so, they’ll come here any way they can, legal or illegal—just so they can get here and enjoy all the benefits available here. Socialism alone will kill all that, but that’s not all she and her accomplices have in store for us. They want to destroy several important industries in the name of socialism. Like the coal industry, the electric industry, and the fossil fuel industry—all of which are essential to our survival as a free nation. She wants to, and has tried to, overthrow a legally elected president, just because she doesn’t like him, and he is about to expose her crimes while in office—something she can’t have happen. She and her accomplices have committed many crimes in their drive to “rid themselves” of this president, which is a crime, in itself, unless it is done by election—or impeachment, which she has already tried, and failed to accomplish. I wouldn’t rule out an assassination of the president and vice president, so she could “assume” the presidency. (Just common sense)
Monday, August 31, 2020
One of 99 Cities
Liberals argue that there have been riots and unrest in Republican-run cities, too, so the idea that most of them are caused by lousy governing only in Dumbocrat-run cities. But that’s not what we are saying, at all. We are saying that MOST of the unrest and violent riots come out of Dumbocrat-run cities—not that ALL do. If ONE city out of 99 that has riots and unrest is tun by Republicans, that changes nothing. And that’s about the right ratio—or worse. I don’t know of a Republican-run city where it is as bad as in Dumbocrat-run cities. If anybody knows of one, I’d love it if they’d tell me about it—with proof. I’m all about truth, after all. I LIVE in a Dumbocrat-run city (Denver). It isn’t as bad here as in, say, Chicago, but it does exist. I think this Dumbocrat mayor is a little smarter than most. In a recent riot in Denver, the cops made many arrests, which put a stop to the rioting—for a time, anyway. Colorado is mostly Republican—except in Denver, where this mayor gets a lot of “blowback” about his policies, which are contrary to that of the liberals in government, here. (Just common sense)
Pepper Spray: Big Seller
In Nevada, applications for gun license are BIG. So is the purchase of pepper spray for self defense. People enter a parking lot at night to go to their cars after a long day working in a casino, to meet a “bad guy.” Sometimes that guy has a gun, sometimes not. But the surprise given him when his intended victim temporarily blinds him is a good one (for the intended victim). Yes, yes, I know there are some people on whom pepper spray doesn’t work, but they are few and far between (I’m not one of them, and I can tell you that’s bad stuff!). Always use pepper spray responsibly. I cringe when I hear about a crook using it on his victims. But then I think that’s much better than being shot. But it is still a good method of self-defense and should not be abused so we can keep it legal, so foolish politicians don’t make laws against it as they do some places. (8 News NOW)
Friday, August 28, 2020
They Ignore That
George Floyd didn’t die because of a cop’s knee on his neck. He died of an overdose. He was already a dead man when that cop kneeled on his neck. His body just didn’t know it, yet. But will the “demonstrators” and the rioters who are damaging innocent people’s property, assaulting innocent people, and killing them back off? Not a chance. They will say the doctor performing the autopsy on Floyd’s body is “part of the conspiracy to cover up police responsibility in his death.” They will never accept that there ARE honest people who will not cooperate in a coverup. They will never accept that because they just don’t understand honest people because they are not honest, themselves. They will continue to “demonstrate” and riot, killing and maiming innocent people until they get tired of it and go home, or until some weak-kneed liberal politician gives them everything they want. Maybe that will satisfy them, and maybe it will not. Only time will tell. (Just common sense)
It Was Self Defense!
When are the insipid liberals running things going to realize that Kyle Rittenhouse was afraid for his life when he killed two men and injured another with his AR-15? If you had been knocked to the ground, had several men running toward you with “blood in their eyes” while others were shooting (maybe) at you and you don’t know if the shots were aimed at you, wouldn’t you start shooting? I certainly would, if I had a gun in my hands, and I’d be damned thankful I was still alive when it was all over. For the cops to charge him with two murders and one maiming is a travesty and an abuse of power. If the court upholds it and sends this kid, who is just beginning his life, to prison for the rest of his life for defending himself from violent rioters, that will just make the travesty worse. Yes, he shouldn’t have been out there with an AR-15. But he’s a 17-year-old kid who was not thinking straight. Should that have been worth a death sentence? That was what he feared as he shot those people. When a man who fears for his life is not allowed to defend himself, we are all doomed. (The Blaze)
"Turn In Your Guns!"
That’s what we hear all the time. Every time somebody shoots a gun at another, even if it’s in self defense, the anti-gun fools and their dupes start yelling about “getting guns off the streets.” Which is an “impossible dream.” There is NO WAY you are going to get every gun in existence “off the street.” Every law they make will only be obeyed by the law-abiding, who are not the problem, at all. The problem is the law-breakers, who just ignore them and go right on victimizing the law-abiding, who do obey their stupid laws. In New Zealand, they instituted a national “gun buyback” program after a major shooting. People only “turned in” a few guns. It was (and is) a big failure because New Zealanders are smarter than they thought. Fact is, any politician who demands you “turn in your guns” is just trying to get those guns out of your hands so he (or his minions) can victimize you later. If you do “turn in your guns,” you will be defenseless when they come for your property under color of law. That’s the way they want it. The basic purpose of every politician is TOTAL CONTROL over you. Gun control is just a part of it. (Just common sense)
Thursday, August 27, 2020
They Never Give Details
Dumbocrats are well known for making wild accusations against Republicans, especially President Trump, without giving any specifics upon which they base those accusations. That’s because they’re trying to paint a picture of corruption, even though they have NO PROOF of any corruption, and they hope we don’t notice the lack of factual basis for their accusations. It’s a tactic they’ve used for a long time because it has been successful. But we are finally figuring out their scam, and it is being less successful as time goes on. But don’t expect them to learn anything soon. It takes them a while to learn from their mistakes—if they ever do. They’re always telling us what Trump is thinking without telling us how they know what he is thinking. The answer is, they don’t know what he is thinking. They just want us to think they do. They tell us about the things he’s supposed to be planning without telling us how they know it—because they DON’T know what he’s planning. They just want to plant their ideas in our minds. (Just common sense)
Crooks Running Things
There’s one thing deadly wrong with our system. That is that we have no way of keeping criminals out of positions of authority where they get to make the rules for the rest of us to follow (of course, they always exempt themselves). One good example is the Dumocrat drive for “Medicare for All!” Meanwhile, every Member of Congress has a health care service we can only dream about, and that’s without paying a penny for it. They voted it to themselves many years ago and keep adding to it. Then there are the politicians (mostly Dumocrats) who want to disarm all Americans so we’re helpless against their “minions” when they come for our property under “color of law.” Don’t believe it? Check out the RICO Laws, which allow them to arbitrarily decide that this large amount of money you diligently saved up to buy something was “probably” illegally obtained, and just TAKE it, without any court action first. And the agency that took it gets to use it as they wish. Today’s dollars are designed with a “strip” embedded that allows them to stand by the sidewalk (or whatever) and “scan you” to see if you’re carrying enough cash to make it worth it to rob you. Yes, you CAN sue to get it back—IF you have some money left to pay the lawyers—AFTER they take it. They’ll usually agree to give you SOME of it back, if you agree to let them keep the rest. They SAY the anti-gun laws are to “take guns off the streets.” What they are really for is to keep the political “minions” from meeting too many guns when they come to rob you. (Just common sense)
"No Legal Effect"
The Virginia Attorney General is now saying that those ubiquitous gun sanctuary resolutions “have no legal effect.” Seems to me they want to “have their cake and eat it, too.” Liberals agree with the “sanctuary city” movement when it supports something with which they agree—like illegal immigration creating more Dumocrat votes. But they then say a similar thing supporting something with which they do not agree is “not legal.” For my part, both are illegal as a matter of law. If a county sheriff doesn’t want to enforce unconstitutional laws, he has but to NOT do so. He doesn’t have to announce it. But a sanctuary city that will not obey the law MUST announce it, to tell the illegal aliens where they will be safe from ICE. Or reasonably safe. Looks like lawmaking to suit themselves, not to suit the law. It amazes me how politicians can twist the law to suit themselves. But in this case, they can’t. If a sheriff doesn’t want to enforce an unconstitutional law, he has but to not do it, and all the state can do is take him to court, where they will lose. (Virginia Mercury)
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Racism: Big Business
Fear of racism is definitely “big business.” It even found its way onto a Formula One race car, way over there, in Spain. It’s foremost in the minds of every Dumbocrat politician there is—because they blame everything on it, whether it has anything to do with the problem, or not. To them, racism is rampant in this country—and it is, but not the kind they are pushing. It is the manufactured racism against WHITES they are pushing. It is the fastest-growing kind of racism there is in this country, because liberals are pushing it for all it’s worth. Every time they mention “white privilege” it’s like previous racists against black people talking about “keeping blacks in their place.” They want to make white people the “oppressed minority” in this country, and they are succeeding. Then you have stories in the news about blacks attacking white people for “their whiteness.” Sometimes. Mostly the liberal media refuses to report these stories because they don’t fit their narrative. But it has become evident to those of us with intelligence, that racism is their “go to” accusation when they have nothing else. (Just common sense)
A Recipe for Failure
A small-time store in Georgia has decided to make customers make an appointment to be able to come in and buy something from them. That appointment must be accompanied by a $20.00 deposit (to make sure his employees aren’t wasting their time), and appointments are only available to “people of color.” No white people, period. Arrangements can be be made for them, but require much more discussion—and who knows what kind of concessions. It’s a purely racist arrangement, and their customers (white and those “of color” should stay away from this cocky bunch of fools who think they are important enough to demand such things of their customers. If I had been one of their customers, I would certainly “scratch them off my list” of places to shop, for anything. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a store owner do something this stupid, and they need to be “rewarded” by having their racist heads handed to them as they are pushed out the door. (Just common sense)
Hickenlooper's Blooper
One of his main claims to fame is that he supported people’s “right” to skin your money out of you by getting their insurance to cover “pre-existing conditions.” Dumbocrats are very good at making promises based on distributing other’s money (not theirs). Covering pre-existing conditions is stealing your money because they can wait until they HAVE a “condition,” and THEN buy insurance, hoping it will pay for the treatment. That means they can wait until they have an expensive “condition” such as cancer, and expect others to pay the cost of treatment. That takes it out of the realm of insurance and into welfare. It’s de-facto national health care. They should be honest and CALL it welfare. Hickenlooper is using his support of that as “evidence” we should not vote for his opponent, current Senator Cory Gardner. He wants to replace Gardner with his brand of Dumbocrat politics in the Senate. He failed as Denver’s mayor (I was there to watch it), failed again as governor, and now he wants to fail as senator. We need to END Hickenlooper in politics and send him back to his small brewery. I’m not even sure he is good at making beer. (Just common sense)
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Violence Is No Answer
If what I saw on that video of that Wisconsin man being shot (in the back) by the police as he was trying to get in his car and runaway was all there was to it, that shooting was a despicable act of cowardice on the part of those cops, and should be punished, severely. He was not presenting the possibility of violence against those cops, and shooting him was out of the question. But after it “went down,” for people to go out and burn down the nearest auto supply store and its millions of dollars in inventory (for example), that was owned by innocent people who had their lives invested, and had nothing to do with that shooting, is WRONG. The fools that rioted and destroyed the property of innocent people will, of course, say they are complicit, since they accepted the protection of those cops. But the same could be said of the rioters, before the shooting, so that’s no argument. Further violence is NOT the answer. Yes, demonstrate. Peacefully. That is lawful. To create more violence is to make a criminal of yourself, and for that, you should end up in prison. (Just common sense)
Pure Damned Stupidity!
Anybody who really wants to “abolish the cops” because a few of them exceeded their authority while attempting to enforce the law is STUPID! When a baby dirties his diapers, you change the DIAPER, not the baby. When you bathe a baby, you remove the baby from the bath water BEFORE you throw it away. When a “bad cop” does something stupid, you get rid of THAT COP, not the whole police department, and especially not the very concept of policing. Yes, some cops exceed their authority. They sometimes even KILL somebody when they do. But that’s no excuse for doing away with the main defense we have against people who would victimize all of us, but for this “thin blue line.” Yes, they can’t be everywhere at once, and stop every crime from occurring. But the very fact that they’re there, to make as many criminals PAY when they commit a crime as they can, is a deterrent, Criminals know there is a good chance they will be caught when they commit that crime. Without the cops, there is NO CHANCE they will be caught, so they go out and commit as many crimes as they can. Yes, law-abiding people can then go out and get their own guns for self defense, in the absence of police protection. Then you DO get that “Wild West Atmosphere” the anti-gun fool crowd are so fond of describing, where everybody is shooting at each other and innocent people get caught in the crossfire. (Just common sense)
Racism As An Excuse
The Dumbocrat Party seems to be the home of racism today. Everything they do seems to be about what they imagine to be racism, and d some damned fool citizens accept their premise and do some of the damndest things. Like firing a utility truck driver for cracking his knuckles, saying he was “making a white power gesture. Then there are the fools who want to disband the cops, leaving them, and everybody else defenseless against law breakers while, at the same time, making guns harder to get for the law abiding, who are not the problem. And in Seattle, a corrupt Dumbocrat city administration lost control of a section of their city and the chaos that will be coming is showing its ugly head in the two shootings there which the cops were not allowed (by the occupiers) to investigate. And mark my words, those will not be the last killings in that “autonomous zone.” therein lies stupidity and lack of control over those who would break the law. And they want to use YOUR MONEY to pay for things they have no business paying for, to buy the votes of those who wish they could live at the expense of others. They want to pay for college for all, and give Medicare to everybody without considering whether or not they can even afford to do that. But they never do. They just promise, and it never happens because once they get elected they learn their lessons that there isn’t enough money in the world to pay for it all. And it’s all because of racism, according to them. (Just common sense)
Friday, August 21, 2020
Shoulda Thoughta That
Many of the rioters/protesters out there today don’t get arrested because incompetent liberal politicians so decree. Some even say, “Let them express themselves.” Others go to jail, only to be released, “because of the virus.” Others, however, are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and that takes a real toll on their lives. I remember a guy I worked with who was one of those “demonstrators” a few years ago. He lost paid work time to go out and protest—something. Then he was fined $1,000.00. And do you think the organizers of his “demonstration” paid that fine for him? Not a chance. And the “record” this arrest generated had to have had an effect on his future job prospects, ability to find a place to live, etc. That will remain with him as long as he lives. So much for “demonstrating.” And if he was a looter, it’s worse if they catch him, and in areas not run by incompetent liberals, they WILL catch him. Sounds like a bunch of gullible fools screwing up their own lives, doesn’t it? (Yahoo News)
Head Into A Brick Wall
It really bothers me to offer irrefutable proof of idiocy in politics and have it be totally ignored by people who have the power to make change, and do it every day without seeing ANY changes as a result. A good example is this question, which I’ve asked many politicians without getting a rational answer: “What makes you think that a LAW to keep crooks (who OBEY no laws) from carrying guns will stop them from doing so?” Then they go right ahead and make their inane laws (because they can, the same reason a dog licks his penis) time after time, while SEEING that such laws accomplish NOTHING. I find this all over the spectrum of politics. Politicians are better at IGNORING rational ideas than anybody else I know of; and it’s frustrating. (Just common sense)
Won't Make Schools Safe
It makes me crazy when I think of the sheer stupidity shown by anti-gun fools when they want to make schools defenseless against mass shooters who see them as a favorite target. BECAUSE they are “gun-free zones.” The concept is simple: you do NOT disarm yourself for self defense. In the old West, a man who did not carry a gun was a prime target for outlaws because they knew he was defenseless. The same is true of today’s schools. Whenever some fool goes into a school and murders a few students or staff, the anti-gun fools “jump all over it,” demanding they make themselves completely defenseless against the next fool. There is ONE SURE WAY to put a stop to mass shootings in schools. That is to let teachers and staff who are “concealed carriers” with proper training bring their guns to school with them. Just the existence of guns in schools is NOT a danger to the students. Like guns, fire can kill you. But fire can also be warming, and keep you comfortable. The existence of fire itself is NOT a danger, as long as it is under control. The same is true with guns. They can be used for ill, or used for good. And we need to have them THERE to stop ill use of them. (Zero Hedge)
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Trump Is NOT "Lost"
Liberals keep trying to convince the voters that Trump is NOT “doing the job” of being president. Every day some Dumbocrat fool goes on TV and says he is “just lost” in that job. That he goes “wandering the halls” of the White House muttering to himself and talking to the paintings of past presidents on the walls. Or sits, for hours, watching Fox News. As if that were not a profitable endeavor if he did, rather than attend to matters of state, as he should be doing. But then, reality intervenes, as he makes profitable (for America) deals, right and left, “mending fences” Obama broke, and doing everything he promised us he’d do if he was elected. The jobs lost to the virus shutdown are coming back. The stock market is now above the pre-virus shutdown levels again. The economy is “coming back like a runaway freight train.” Trump is now the most productive president we’ve ever had, but the liberals hide that from you, the voter so you’ll think he is a “do nothing president” and vote for their favorite figurehead, who REALLY doesn’t know where he is at any given moment. It’s all they have. To keep you from knowing just how productive Trump has been as president, so you’ll be fooled into voting for that feeble old man who has to be taken by the hand by his staffers for him to get anywhere—or he might end up somewhere else, entirely. And still not know where he is. (Just common sense)
Nancy's Perfidy
Surprise! Nancy Peelosi lied to us again! For a long time she told us we need to get the impeachment done quickly so we can get back to “the nation’s business.” So they voted to approve two articles of impeachment, and she was supposed to send them to the Senate immediately so they can quickly have a “trial” to decide the president’s fate. Not a chance! She decided to just “hold onto them” for a while until she could “be assured of a fair trial.” Something she didn’t seem to be “concerned” about while the House paraded ‘witness” after “witness” who had NOTHING to testify to except their “feelings” and opinions. Al the while refusing to allow any Trump witnesses who might have testified to exculpatory information. Which was one of the LEAST fair proceedings ever seen in Congress. Unfortunately for her, until those “articles of impeachment” are presented to the Senate, Trump was NOT impeached. She hoped to hold the so-called “impeachment” over his head through the election, using it to “drain” support for Trump so she can get her stooges elected and retain control of the House while winning back control of the Senate. But it ain’t gonna happen. The more he country hears about impeachment, the more money they put into Trump’s coffers, and the more of them who are going to vote for him and his approved candidates. Which will send Nancy and her stooges “to the showers” where they belong. (Just common sense)
About "Other People's Money"
There’s one thing Dumocrats are very good at, and that is sucking as much money from those who EARN their way to GIVE to those who do not. They only tell us about the “giving” part. Whenever they’re asked about how they’re going to PAY for all their giveaway programs, they “shove it aside,” as Elizabeth Warren recently did when she said, “There’s always money” in answer to a question from a reporter on how she plans on paying for all the giveaway programs she has promised. Of course, those programs aren’t going to happen. The Dumocrats promise many things, but deliver few. Do a Google search for Dumocrat programs promised vs. those delivered. It will amaze you. They give their lootings to able-bodied people, leaving not much for those who CANNOT work, and are REALLY in need. I really get tired of hearing about some thug who stands on the corner selling drugs or breaks into your home to steal from you directly, who is “on the dole” and has lots of time to get into trouble—so he does. Each and every Dumocrat presidential candidate has a list of “giveaways” he/she plans “if elected.” Others promise changes that will destroy thousands, if not millions of jobs—and they think that will get them elected. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
"Only the Non-Violent"
The liberals who think the health of prisoners is more important than keeping violent prisoners away from the rest of is lot one recently. A man accused of rape (a non-violent crime, right?) was let out of prison Because they were worried he’d get the virus. So the first thing he did was to go out and murder his accuser. Criminals are criminals, and they should stay in prison, no matter what. Why? Because if let out, they will predictably commit more crimes, that’s why. Frankly, I don’t understand why anybody CARES if they get the virus. If a few of them died of it, so what? No loss to society. The damned fool liberals who made this murder possible aren’t taking the blame, of course. They’re blaming everything else but their own stupidity—and they’re good at that. They say what they did was not a criminal act—that the only criminal act was committed by the rapist/now murderer. I say what THEY did was a criminal act, because it facilitated the rapist’s criminal act, and for that, they should be punished in his place. (Flag & Cross)
No "Study" Needed
Another new “study” is showing that more and more people believe that “gun control laws” do NOT “control guns.” We don’t need no stinkin’ ‘study’ to know that if we’re INTELLIGENT!” anybody who DOESN’T know that isn’t too bright, and that includes those anti-gun fools. Criminals do NOT obey laws. So what good will a gun law do in keeping guns out of their hands. The best way to do that is to make their hands dead. And the best way to accomplish that is to allow honest, law-abiding people who DO obey laws to have and carry their own guns so they can properly OPPOSE the illegal guns in the hands of the criminals. As long as criminals can so easily get their guns from ILLEGAL sources, that will be true. Keeping guns out of the hand os people who DO obey laws is STUPID. (Personal Liberty Digest)
You Can't Believe Bloomberg
He has been spewing false information about guns for years, and he’s still doing it. He claims there are 27 students shot EVERY DAY, Unfortunately, he hasn’t any proof of that because it doesn’t exist. It’s only in his imagination. And he is claiming 263 “school shootings” since Trump came into office. Again, there’s no real substantiation for that claim. He included shootings that only happened NEAR schools, shootings that didn’t happen, and accidental discharges of guns legally carried by concealed carriers. In one case, it included a case where a state university teacher accidentally shot himself in the foot. It was presented as a “school shooting,” and included in his statistics. This is how he inflates his numbers to fool the public. And this is why you can’t believe a single word he utters. And this liar is trying to get himself elected president of the United States! So he can lie to us some more. And, like other Dumbocrats, he has made some promises that are impossible, and that, if attempted, will destroy this country. (Breitbart)
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
"Californicating America"
Naming “Camel’ Harris as his VP candidate signaled one thing: the liberals intend to do to America what they did to California. Turn it “blue.” At one time California was a dependable conservative state, electing such people as Ronald Reagan to the governorship, and many other conservatives to other important offices. Then “the worm turned,” and Dumbocrats gained power until whoever they put up for office got elected, until there were so few conservative office-holders that they just didn’t count. Then they elected Gov. Moonbeam, whose main purpose was to build a railroad from nowhere to nowhere, and eventually saw more than $80 million as the cost. But he didn’t care. As with most Dumbocrats, he figured it was “just taxpayer money” and he could raise taxes to pay for it. How long it will be until there is so much stinky brown stuff in our streets they had to map it so people wouldn’t step in it, like in San Francisco, cannot be known. But with liberals running the national government, the entire country will soon suffer the liberal stupidities rampant in California. By being elected VP, “Camel” will be almost guaranteed to become president when that old man who doesn’t even know where he is dies in office. And then we’re in REAL trouble. Much more than under Biden. (Just common sense)
"Murder Magnets"
I’ve only seen ONE attempted mass shooting done where there WERE guns and people who knew how to use them, and that resulted in the would-be shooter leaving with a lot of holes in him, in a hearse. That happened last year in Indianapolis where he shot a clerk in a gun store and when the smoke cleared he looked like a piece of Swiss cheese. In another case in Colorado, a man tried to shoot up a church and was stopped by a legally armed WOMAN who immediately shot him, ending his shooting spree. Both places were NOT “gun-free zones.” “Gun-free zones” are about the stupidest thig I know of that ignorant politicians mandate. They are an INVITATION to would-be mass shooters and a sign saying, “gun-free zone” might as well say, “Come in and shoot us. NO guns here.” They have been responsible for many deaths, but don’t try and convince an anti-gun fool of that. They’ll ignore you and go right on with their silly laws, which mean DEATH to a lot of people. (Biz-Pac)
"Never Again!"
One of the big reasons why Hitler was able to murder 6 million Jews during his dictatorship in Germany was the fact that the Jews hated guns and refused to have them. Therefore, they were completely defenseless when Hitler’s Storm Troopers came to stuff them into railroad boxcars and send them to the gas charmers in one of the worst “hate crimes” ever perpetrated by a politician. Not so in New York City after several hate crimes against Jews in NYC. Soon even Orthodox Jews were seen “open carrying” in violation of New York laws, but very willing this time to be armed for self defense against those haters. New York will probably insist they stop carrying guns, saying the cops can defend them. But they cannot. Cops will be the first to tell you they can’t be everywhere at once, even as they try their hardest to disarm people and leave them defenseless against the haters out there. I think everybody—not just Jews-- should be allowed to have the means of self defense. Just the presence of a gun does not mean an individual will “go nuts” and “shoot up the countryside.” That’s just a pipe dream of the anti-gun fools, who have nothing to offer except their useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that never work, anyway. They can’t offer a real solution, but they refuse to let us do it for ourselves. (The Blaze)
Monday, August 17, 2020
Cuomo Blames Trump
He blames President Trump for the increase in crime in NYC, completely ignoring the stupid policies he and DiBlasio have set in motion that are responsible. They are releasing violent prisoners, “willy-nilly,” while cutting $100,000.00 from the NYC police budget, guaranteeing they will be less able to do their job—and they blame President Trump. One rapist who was released from jail because of the virus immediately went out and MURDERED his accuser, as soon as he got out. Hundreds of good cops have “put in their papers” because they don’t want to be the “visible targets” while goofy politicians let the people they arrest out of jail to commit more crimes. And they’re talking about eliminating the cops, altogether. A very STUPID thing to do! If I were a cop, I’d be first in line at the “turn in your papers” window. A job just isn’t worth my life under these circumstances. No, Trump is NOT responsible, in any way. The ones who ARE, are Cuomo and his ilk. Liberal politicians like DiBlasio, who just can’t see how stupid they are. Who get people killed, and then “send their thoughts and prayers” and nothing else. (Breitbart)
Good Reason for 2nd Amendment
Dr. Ben Carson (one of those this racist would vote for, for president, should he run) says that “Every American should have the right to defend himself, even against his government.” That’s a very basic thing, is self-defense. But liberals, even though they can’t stop us from getting guns because of the Second Amendment, do everything they can to mae it impossible to USE our guns in sef-defense: from forcing us to store them in hard-to-open-quickly gun safes to making us attach trigger locks that are similarly hard to open quickly to banning higher-capacity magazines (like that will do anything). Now they’re even banning lead bullets, since lead is the primary ingredient in bullets, even though bullets can be made from many different substances—but they’ll get to those, soon. Don’t worry. As usual, Carson is right, and even a bigot like me (liberals have said so, so it must be true, huh?) can understand that. (WashingtonTimes/Ben Carson)
"Should Not Have Access"
The “powers that be” are saying the shooter in that Ft. Worth Texas church “should not have had access to a weapon” after his many “brushes with the law,” but he did. They “sluff it off” by saying, “None of that prevented him from getting a firearm.” Not mentioned is whether or not his acquisition of that firearm was legal. That important fact is just ignored. They ASSUME he got it legally, in spite of being a known violent criminal. Which I don’t believe is the case, since they do not release that information. If he did get it legally, they would have “shouted it to the skies.” But how do you control the acquisition of a gun by a felon ILLEGALLY? Who do you blame when such a man gets a gun illegally? Certainly him, but who else? You blame the anti-gun fools who make sure that, in most cases, there would be nobody there with their own guns to oppose him, so he can then kill as many people as he wants until the cops finally get there and do what could have been done instantly, as in this case, and shoot him down. (Washington Post)
Friday, August 14, 2020
From A Single Mom
“I don’t give a Rats ass, who this offends, but I stand by it. War is coming, sooner or later! You the Government!! You are all a bunch of cowards! You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work, rather than spending time with their children (single parents stand no chance). Parents were told 'No you can't discipline your kids'. Well, now most of those kids are rude and out of control. You shall reap what you sow! We have taken a whole generation and turned them into selfish, entitled brats who have no respect for people, property or authority! You deem people with terminal illnesses and some with only a few months to live…fit for work!!! You allow our veterans of war to go homeless and hungry but give out millions to foreign aid!!! You save drug addicts over and over again but refuse to give free diabetic supplies to those who need them to stay alive. You bend over backwards to be politically correct, too scared to say enough is enough, in case you offend someone. You put the retirement age up so people must work until they drop. You take care of prisoners and give them everything under the sun (food, medical, education, representation, money, rehabilitation) yet you cause the elderly, those that have paid their debt to society and their families, to go broke caring for them either at home or in a nursing home... THINGS NEED TO CHANGE! Copy & paste if you have the guts! ( I am betting most of my friends don't have any guts, that's why so few actually read or respond to my Posts... Offended now? I don't need to be popular, I just need to be true to myself and my standards!) Written by T Pautz, my niece.
What Are They Smoking?
If I were a stoner, I’d want some of what the anti-gun fools are smoking. They can’t really believe their silly little anti-gun laws that only apply to LEGAL gun owners will have ANY effect on law-breakers, who obey NO laws. So what is their purpose? They either have an ulterior motive in disarming most honest, law-abiding Americans, or they’re stupid. Or they’ve lost their minds—if they ever had one. They can’t think they can actually violate the Second amendment to the Constitution with impunity. It says, “[The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” How clear can you be? And the way to change that was designed to be difficult, so any would-be despot would have a helluva time disarming the people so he (or she) could “lord it over” us. So barring the possibility of a change to the Constitution, which is revered by all honest people, they don’t have a chance in hell to get around it with a simple gun ban. They’ve tried it, many times, and always failed. If they ever succeed, they will run into a brick wall. The American people will NEVER stand for a complete ban on buying and owning the means to self defense. Not when there are millions of ILLEGAL guns out there, in the hands of law-breakers. Are the anti-gun fools part of the law-breakers? Do they want to disarm us so they can victimize us? That remains to be seen. (Just common sense)
We Don't Want Civil War
This Dumbocrat (Deb Stoner (-D of course) has gotten death threats. Or at least she SAYS she has, because of his anti-gun efforts. She’s living in dream land. Nobody wants to kill her, he isn’t important enough to kill. She thinks “the right” wanted a civil war if Trump didn’t get re-elected in 2020, but he’s wrong. Trump WILL be re-elected in 2020, so that idea is moot. Where there is a real fear of a civil war is if the Dumocrats (who have all said they would ban guns) are successful, there WILL be a civil war. Not over President Trump, but over the violation of the Constitution that would entail. It’s already brewing in the State of Virginia, where they are PROMISING to violate the Second Amendment. King Gorge learned, the hard way, that Americans will NEVER allow themselves to be disarmed. If laws are made to do that, they will join the law-breakers, and get their guns ILLEGALLY. It’s really easy to do, as the law-breakers have discovered. Whether that leads to all-out war remains to be seen. But that’s what I see coming. It’s not something the “right wing” WANTS, but it is definitely a possibility if the anti-gun fools are more successful than they have been, to this point. (Just common sense)
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Aiding the Criminals
It seems to me the liberals are doing everything they can to make life easier for the criminals in our society. First, they want to disarm all honest, law-abiding people to make them defenseless against the criminals. Next, they want to de-fund or abolish the police so they can’s protect us. And they’ve always wanted to disarm the cops, too. Next, they want to abolish prisons altogether. But failing that, they want to release as many violent prisoners as they can. The consequences of that are obvious when you consider a recent story where they released a rapist from prison, and he went right out and murdered the lady he raped. Everything they espouse seems to be something the criminals want. Why is that? Do they feel like the criminals are their “homeboys?” Are they planning on doing criminal acts, themselves and want no interference from law enforcement? I wonder why they’re even taken seriously with some of their demands by people with any degree of intelligence. Abolishing the cops is the work of imbeciles. Abolishing prisons at the same time just compounds the idiocy. And disarming the victims makes them easy targets. What are they up to? We should get rid of any politician who espouses such damned foolishness, imprisoning him/her for stupidity. (Just common sense)