Tuesday, September 10, 2019

NRA Takes A Victory Lap

The NRA congratulated Kavanaugh on his successful appointment to the Supreme Court. This can only be a good thing for “gun control,” which is a misnomer. There is no “controlling guns.” Only LEGAL guns. The laws the anti-gun fools have made only apply to the law-abiding, and NEVER to the lawbreakers, who ARE the problem. Kavanaugh will always rule, based on the Constitution, not on his own personal views and opinions, and especially not on his political views. That will be a disaster for liberals, most of whom are anti-gun fools, who keep insisting on making USELESS laws that accomplish NOTHING. Correction: they do accomplish something. They make it easier for those who ignore them to victimize the law-abiding, who DO obey them, even if they don’t like them. The NRA has been a stalwart champion of the constitutional RIGHT to “keep and bear arms,” and Kavanaugh’s appointment can only be a good thing for them, as he rules, based on the Constitution, not on anything else, not even foreign law, as some previous Justices have done. (AmmoLand)

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