Friday, September 6, 2019

Inviting Disbarment

Former Special counsel Robert Mueller made several statements that, if he had made them in a normal criminal case, would have gotten him disbarred, in an instant. One of those is this: “I cannot say he’s not guilty of a crime, or I would have said so.” He also said, “I could not exonerate him.” Which is not his JOB. He was hired to find out of he committed a crime to get elected president. They found NOTHING to show that, and they should have just said that, and shut up. Instead, Mueller “gave Congress a road map to impeachment.” Which Jerry Nadler immediately picked up. Mueller said the Congress uses a different method, INVITING him to start impeachment proceedings, based on NOTHING. Congress does not work within the criminal justice system. What is does is POLITICAL. And this whole “witch hunt” is political. Almost all Dumocrats hate Donald Trump, because they know he is “coming for them,” if they are “swamp dwellers,” which most Dumocrats are. He has pledged to “drain the swamp,” and he usually does what he promises to do. They know that, and they know that have to get rid of him, or at least discredit him before he succeeds. (CNN)

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