Friday, September 20, 2019

Destroying the Coal Industry

As if spending millions (maybe billions) to make all law-abiding Americans defenseless against the millions of illegal guns out there wasn’t enough, Obama wanted to target the coal industry. Like most liberal Dumocrats, he wanted to do all he could to make life more difficult for all Americans. Never mind the many good things coal does for this country; all the jobs that will be lost if he succeeds. Forget the fact that coal is the base on which many industries sit, including the power industry. Without coal, there will be no electricity, and do you want that? Do you want to go back 100 years and live in log cabins, using candles for enough light to read by at night, no television, no Internet, no cell phones, no cars, having to “hitch up” the horse before you can go anywhere? He wants to kill the coal industry and replace it with that failed “windmill” industry that has proven itself INCAPABLE of producing enough power to meet our needs. Never mind his plans will cause devastation to employees in many industries, not only coal jobs lost, but jobs lost in other industries dependent on coal. Bloomberg is, like most liberals, short-sighted. He actually believes that global warming/climate change crap, and is willing to put his money where his mouth is, even if it destroys society. (Daily Caller)

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