Thursday, September 26, 2019

"ANTIFA: Legitimate Protest Movement"

That’s what Vox reporter and Youtube censorship advocate Carlos Mazda thinks, anyway. Like the haters who supported the KKK for many years until the world began to realize they were nothing but a bunch of thugs and murderers, he is supporting yet another violent arm of the Dumocrat Party whose main activity, it seems, is to attack people with whom they do not agree politically. The Dumocrats, in addition to fielding these thugs, ADVOCATE violence against those who disagree with them. They have nothing else. They can’t answer us truthfully so they call us names, and sic rabid thugs like those in ANTIFA on us to shut us up. They just can’t allow us to speak our piece because people might realize we are right, and they are wrong. And they ARE wrong. This fool Mazda advocates violence personally, as well. Even in foreign countries like the UK, where he advocates throwing milkshakes on those he disagrees with. (Breitbart)

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