Monday, September 30, 2019

California Starts War With US

And, of course, the headline is, “Trump Starts War With California!” That’s always the way things are presented in the liberal news media these days. It doesn’t matter what Trump does, they find some way to twist it into something they can criticize. Actually, California started things when they started to allow their autos to follow requirement much less than the rest of the country, while Trump just stopped them from doing it. By so doing, they let them put out autos that were much less expensive than elsewhere in this country, and he stopped that. If that’s “starting a war with California,” I guess he’s guilty. But California, which is in the grips of a general war on the United States in everything they do, including telling the president of the United States he is not welcome there. A real stupidity. The president will go where he wishes, and when, regardless. California has declared itself a “sanctuary state,” which means they will NOT help a legal law enforcement body enforce laws that have been legally passed by the Congress. That’s just one of the provocations they have made. (Conservative Minute)

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