Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Muslim Rapes Small Boy

A Muslim man, member of the Muslim Brotherhood, RAPED a six-year-old boy because he didn‘t agree with something the boy was saying. This is how Muslims think they have a right to act, under Sharia Law. I think this guy just has a “thing” for small boys, and not agreeing with him was just an excuse. Can anybody show me an instance where a NON-Muslim has done such a thing and not been put away with the key thrown away? Just when you think you’ve heard the worst about Muslims, they do something even worse than that! And these people want to rule the world, and bring their “values” to us! Such stupidity knows no bounds! You can’t make this stuff up, folks! Human minds just can’t conceive of the depravity of what Muslims DO! And Obama APPROVES of what these people do! (Pamela Geller)

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