Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Holder's "Fine Whine"

Seems like whine about the way he’s treated by Congress is all AG Eric Holder does these days. After trying to shut a congressman down when he told him “You’d better not go there, buddy,” That congressman shut HIM down, instead. Then he went before race whore Al Sharpton’s group and complained about how he was treated by Congress. It’s like Congress isn’t on his level of importance. But it’s congress’ job to make sure criminals like him don’t get away with the things he’s accused of and he is NOT entitled to “kid glove” treatment at their hands. When he stops “stonewalling” them and refusing to respond to their information requests, maybe he’ll get better treatment. Until then, whine on, Eric, buddy! Imagine referring to a congressman as “Buddy!” what kind of disrespect is THAT? (City-Data)

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