Monday, April 14, 2014

More Fodder for Gun Haters

A hate-filled former (?) high-ranking Klan member shoots up some Jewish Centers in Overland Park, a suburb of Kansas City, killing several people. He’s probably pretty pleased with himself. Frazier Glenn Cross, 73, has a long history of anti-Semitism and hate for Jews, as well as other groups you’d expect. Since this is not a black on white shooting, AG Holder will probably do his job and prosecute the shooter, since they are not “his people.” The funny  (odd) thing is, the 14-year-old victim wasn’t even Jewish. He was Methodist—or did Frazier hate them, too? The anti-gun fools are probably already mobilizing to take advantage of this, and will no doubt blame the gun. It'll be hard for them to blame Republicans fot this, although they'll try because he once ran for office (and lost) as a Republican. What they won't tell you is previously he ran as a DEMOCRAT and lost then, too. (Reuters)

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