Thursday, April 3, 2014

Another Obama Lie

He says the “debate on repeal of Obamacare is over.” That’s just an opinion. But when he said he didn’t spend billions of taxpayer dollars promoting it, he LIED. If you combine all the advertising for Obamacare, the amount exceeds a billion dollars—and he’s not finished spending, yet. He claims success by “signing up” more than 7 million people, and he really thinks that’s success. Just as a thug who meets his predictions on “protection racket” extortion collections claim success after they broke a few legs and tore up several businesses. He doesn’t “trash businesses,” he just threatens everybody who doesn’t “sign up” with a fine and trouble with the IRS, his thug organization. If he thinks 7 million “signups” is success, he has another think coming. The law itself is flawed, and the system he has put in place will inevitably collapse of its own weight. It’s only a matter of time before young people tumble to the communist scam that is victimizing them. (The Blaze)

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