Monday, June 3, 2013

Tiananman Square

You remember; that’s where communist China murdered countless Chinese citizens a few years ago when they had the temerity to demonstrate against the communist Chinese government. Remember that memorable picture of one man blocking the progress of a number of tanks? Of course, nobody ever tried to follow up on that man after he stopped those tanks until their bosses ordered them to drive on over him. Fortunately for him, wiser heads pulled him aside, but we never heard what happened to him after that. We’ll never know what happened to him because they aren’t talking. He was probably dead within an hour. Now they’re griping because somebody “hurt their feelings” about Tiananman Square. They call it “political prejudice,” completely ignoring (typically) that hundreds were murdered there. What FOOLS they are. That previous statement would have gotten me murdered if I were in communist China. It might even happen here if they get mad enough. (The Blaze)

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