Tuesday, June 4, 2013

E. W. Jackson Called "Extremist"

The black nominee for Lt. Gov. in Virginia is under heavy fire from (who else?) the liberals for saying that “Planned Parenthood is like the KKK.” What’s wrong with that? They’re WORSE than the KKK. They’re probably murdered more black babies than the KKK ever did. Are they racist? People have been called racist for less when talking about Obama, who is half white, anyway. They’re also “jumping up and down” over his comment that Obama has “Muslim sensibilities.” He DOES. Every time he is called to rule on something where Muslims are involved, he rules in favor of the Muslim position. If that doesn’t reveal “Muslim sensibilities,” I don’t know what does! Besides: what Republican CARES about what liberals say about him? When they “jump up and down” over something a Republican says, it’s because that statement is the truth, or close to the truth they don’t want revealed. (The Blaze)

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