Saturday, June 29, 2013

Licensing Journalists

The ability to license means the ability to CONTROL journalists. And that’s what Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) wants. Durbin’s problem is that he’s getting too much competition from Republicans who are raising money to defeat DEMOCRATS and he wants to put a stop to it. So he actually wrote a letter to the IRS SUGGESTING they “target” conservative groups trying to get tax-free status. And he ADMITTED it on Fox News! This is an actual quote: “"You're damn right I did! That Citizens United, that unleashed all kinds of unfairness to us Democrats (forget those organizations that "unleashed all kinds of unfairness on Republicans)! That meant that people besides unions could go out and raise money [Unions are okay, according to him because they raise money for DEMOCRATS! -RT] ! That meant we were gonna have competition. I'm not gonna permit that. There ain't gonna be any competition here in fundraising. We're gonna shut the other guys out! That's why I sent 'em a letter. Damn straight, Chris! What do you think we're doing here?” Awww….poor baby! We’re “being unfair to Democrats!” That’s jist orful! He’s okay with unions raising money and being unfair to REPUBLICANS.

I guess being unfair to Republicans is okay, but don’t let ANYBODY “be unfair” to DEMOCRATS! Only problem with this is that when you allow the government to LICENSE journalists, they get to DEFINE what journalists ARE, and decide if they should be ALLOWED to be journalists by THEIR definition—and if they do what journalists do without a license, they can go to JAIL! They will even be able to “define” Fox (or me) out of business at will. Damn, why do we (not me) keep electing these FOOLS? They’ll have to send me to prison to shut me up, and I’m sure they will, in time. Then they’ll have to feed me, clothe me, and provide me a place to sleep. I’ll still find a way to get the truth out. Durbin called the Crossroads people AND the Supreme Court “charlatans” and said the Constitution, 200 years old, was “no longer relevant.” Who says? The Constitution is the VERY BASIS for ALL our laws! And he thinks it’s “no longer relevant?” What a damn fool he is! He should be jailed for even suggesting that as a sitting senator. That’s malfeasance in office! Durbin needs to be FORCIBLY removed for STUPIDITY.  (Rush Limbaugh)

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