Wednesday, June 19, 2013

These Are "Peaceful" Muslims

I can’t imagine people who are SUPPOSED TO BE intelligent people condoning such things that are shown in this video, but there are at least two redheads (who are obviously converted Muslims) taking active part with this group of murderers who behead one man with a rusty knife and then shoot two women to death—for what, I don’t know. Maybe just because they needed two female victims to shoot and one guy to behead. If he was a Muslim, maybe he was even willing because they convinced him it was “for the cause.” If not, he probably violated one small “rule” of being a Muslim—maybe he tried to convert to something else. I can’t imaging intelligent people converting to Islam, which is not a religion, but a political organization MASQUERADING as a religion. I’ve seen this kind of activity before and every time it infuriates me more. WARNING: This video contains graphic images of bloody murder. (Bare Naked Islam)

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