Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pro-Choice vs. Pro Abortion

They change names to confuse us. They call their crime “pro choice” instead of its proper name, “pro abortion” to make their murdering ways sound better. But one thing murdering innocent babies is NOT is “a woman’s choice about what happens to her body.” If it were, prostitution would be legal because THAT also involves her choice as to what happens to her body and nobody has anything against keeping that illegal. It’s a choice to either use a rubber or KILL the result of her unprotected sex. Abortion is abortion. It is INFANTICIDE! It is our own HOLOCAUST (Germans knew Nazis were killing Jews but did nothing about it; Americans know people are killing babies but do nothing about it). Why? Because the baby killers conned the Supreme Court into making baby killing LEGAL! It may be legal to murder the result of unprotected sex (as was slavery before we came to our senses) but it is IMMORAL. Damn people to hell if they don’t recognize abortion is ignoring that baby’s right to LIFE! (The Blaze)

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