Wednesday, January 4, 2012

OWS Wants Socialism!

Which puts them squarely in Obama's camp. When will these dolts LEARN? Socialism has been tried, time and time again, and has eventually failed every time. Yes, there are a FEW socialist countries still in existence, being “propped up” by other socialist regimes that still have some of their subjects’ money left. Soon they all will be gone, and Cuba will be one of the first, since no other socialist country still rich on their subjects’ money is propping them up after Russia’s socialist (communist) government collapsed. Socialism is just one form of collectivism, which ALWAYS inhibits INCENTIVE by stealing the “goodies” earned by production and giving them to those who do NOT produce anything. Obama says “WE” no longer “sell America,” when it is HIM who is constantly running us down. What a DOLT this man is to believe WE will believe his crap again! (Just common sense)

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