Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Abortion is Murder!

No matter what pro-abortionists say, abortion stops a beating heart in a person too young to fight back. One too young to have ever even experienced life. It is INFANTICIDE, and the good thing about it is that the most babies who are murdered would have become sniveling liberals. Moreover, liberals are reducing their own numbers in the future by killing off their children. They even hate the name “abortion,” which is the proper name for what they do, besides murder. Now they insist their crime be called “pro-choice,” which. Like in George Orwell’s book, “1984,” was called just the opposite of what it was (govspeak), to keep many people from even understanding they are committing murder. I refuse to obey their commands to use that "govspeak."

Some doctors, who specialize in this brand of murder, kill thousands of babies every year. The doctors in the linked story kept a lot of the tiny corpses in a freezer for some reason, and when they started one abortion in one state, to be completed in another, they were caught with those tiny corpses and rightfully charged with mass murder. They’ll probably beat the charge because the government APPROVES of infanticide. But this does serve to illustrate the problem. I am not what abortionists call an "anti-abortion fanatic." I am simply a person who LOGICALLY sees what is in front of his eyes as what it is. And abortion IS murder. It does NOT involve the "right" of a woman to control what happens to her own body as prostitution laws do, but it DOES involve the right of that infant to LIVE. (American Thinker)

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