Saturday, January 28, 2012

Don't Mess With Arizona!

Obama got off a plane in Phoenix, Arizona and met its governor (Jan Brewer) face-to-face. He thought he could intimidate her by criticizing her book, “Scorpions for Breakfast. Remember, he SUED Arizona for making a law demanding the federal government actually ENFORCE their own immigration laws and she opposed that in many ways. Then he turned his back rudely and walked off. It was typical "thin-skinned" Obama. She says she was “cordial,” but her “body language” in the published picture of her pointing her finger in his face while shouting at him puts the lie to that. Of course, since this picture will probably be the only one we ever see of this meeting, we’ll never know for sure, will we? But my impression of Jan is, “don’t mess with her; she’ll mess you up.” (Drudge Report)

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