Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's Racism! It's Racism!

That’s the only thing it CAN be if a blond woman shook her finger in the face of a black man, right? WRONG!. Forget that black man is In the process of destroying this country, economically, racially, militarily, and in every other way possible. Forget the first thing that black man did on landing in the state in which she is the chief executive is to take her to task for telling the truth in her book about his actions in REFUSING to enforce the federal immigration laws he is SWORN to enforce and worse, SUED her state for insisting he do so. Forget he turned his back on the governor of the state and walked away when she asked questions he couldn’t answer. Racism is a charge liberals have used so often they’ve worn it out and NOBODY, not even their liberal friends, believe it any more. How STUPID are they to cling to this astoundingly STUPID charge all the time! It’s all they’ve got in most cases to keep from having to argue ANYTHING on the issues. They're blaming Jan Brewer for the exchange, but the fault is ALL with OBUMA. There's a little bit of difference here; King wasn't the chief executive of a state that George Wallace was undermining and was being "dissed" by George and the entire government, he was JAILED for his trouble, and MURDERED.(The Blaze)

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