Thursday, January 19, 2012

Michelle is a Racist

She doesn't like white people. Obama finds it easy to call everybody who disagrees with him a racist with no proof of anything, but he fails to recognize (on purpose?) the racism within his own family—or is he as racist as his wife? Look at the picture that goes with this article. It is a common face for Michelle: questioning and disapproving. She was only “proud” of Americans after her husband was nominated to run for president. With Obama, she sat in Rev. Wright’s church and listened to his ultra-racist diatribes for 20 years and they both say they “heard nothing that would be defined as racist” in that 20 years. This is one of his most outrageous lies. If they sat in that church and listened to Wright’s lies for 20 years and got NOTHING out of it, they weren’t listening. And Obama is ALWAYS listening, so he can find something he can use for his own purposes. Michelle likes to think she knows what foods are best for all of us while her husband eats hot dogs and hamburgers whenever she is away. Meanwhile she eats spaghetti and meatballs when she thinks nobody is looking. This is as phony a family as I’ve seen in a long time. (The Blaze)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is a very mild look of disdain. Most of the time she looks like she smells a fart.