Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's He Been Smoking?

“SAN'A, Yemen – Yemen's president said he is ready to open a dialogue with al-Qaida fighters who lay down their weapons and renounce violence, despite U.S. pressure to crack down on the terror group.” This is why we’ll never be free of fighting these terrorists. Politicians like this who actually BELIEVE the terrorists will “renounce violence” and disarm. They might TELL us they’re going to do it, but it will just be a swindle to gain time to rearm and gain more fighters from prisons and slums. Obama is just such a politician. He truly thinks he can “charm them out of their socks” like he has this entire country. But he’s wrong. They are religiously dedicated to killing as many of us as they can because we don’t believe the same way they do. They will not stop, just to “talk” to us. They’re not interested in talking. (Just common sense)

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