Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Counterterrorism Officials Asleep

Remember the “shoe bomber?” They were surprised then, too. As they were when the “skivvy bomber” tried to strike. Both would-be terrorists were badly trained, and thus were unable to set off their bombs aboard airplanes. But that doesn’t mean the next one won’t be successful. These “officials” need to WAKE UP and stay AHEAD of what the terrorists (who are, after all, still living in the fifteenth century) are going to come up with next. If the terrorists can think of it, we can certainly think of it first, and be on the lookout for it. They need to stop inconveniencing EVERYBODY and start PROFILING people who are in that group (radical MUSLIMS) who want to kill everybody who doesn’t believe the same way they do. That is, I believe, the heights of religious intolerance. So we inconvenience some “good Muslims.” So what? It has been almost ALWAYS Muslims who make such attempts in recent years. So why look at blond, blue-eyed Scandinavians and others first? Better than inconveniencing EVERYBODY and thus not having TIME to look in the right direction. (Investor’s Business Daily)

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