Thursday, January 8, 2009

Recipe for GOP Success

One News Now goes on and on about how the GOP can regain their former prominence: "A House Republican leader says the only way his party can find its 'way out of the wilderness' is to renew its commitment to a strong defense, limited government, and traditional moral values." That’s the long way of saying they need to run as “proud conservatives,” and govern that way when they get elected. Reagan did, and he won TWICE in two landslides. He had one of the most successful presidencies in recent years (no matter what the Democrats say). He lowered taxes and almost DOUBLED the “tax take.” He destroyed communism in the Soviet Union. How much more can Republicans ignore this and pretend to be Democrats (They call it “centrist”)? They need to be what they ARE, and demand that DEMOCRATS “reach across the aisle.” That’s the way to WIN elections. (One News Now)

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