Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obsessing Over Obama

I’m ashamed of the media. I haven’t seen such a sickening case of obsession in my lifetime. Not even when Clinton was inaugurated the first time. It’s SICKENING the way the news media fawns over Obama and his inauguration (or coronation, actually). The inauguration is today (Tuesday) and they’ve been “wall-to-wall inauguration” since Friday. I’m trying to ignore tha hoopla, but you can’t. It’s on every station, even some that are only “sometimes” news stations. I’m having to watch “House” reruns to avoid it. Such complete admiration is what creates dictators from properly elected “rulers” such as Adolph Hitler. Hitler was properly elected, then went on to make a dictator of himself while he tried to take over the world. Obama won’t have as much trouble as Adolph did because as America’s president, he is the most powerful politician in the world. Hitler was only the dictator of a small country. I’ll be watching carefully and if he starts proposing things that can make him a dictator, I’ll be the first to notice and shout it to the rooftops (for all the good it’ll do). I’ll also probably be one of the first to be “silenced” when his troops notice me. (Just common sense)

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