Thursday, January 8, 2009

Playing the "Race Card"

The Illinois official Blogojevich appointed to replace Barack Obama is now “playing the race card” as if the ONLY reason why Congress would refuse to seat him is because he’s black (How stupid is THAT?). But that crap doesn’t work any more, now that we have a black president. Apparently he thinks since it has worked before, it’ll work in his case. I don’t think so. I don’t care if he’s PURPLE. If Blogo appointed him out of spite, he should not be seated, and I’d say that, no matter what color he is. Actually, I’m INSULTED by his attempt. I’m not stupid enough to buy that crap. Yes, he’s as “qualified” as Obama was, but his appointment is in question, not because he’s black, but because he was appointed by a governor who is “under a cloud.” (Did Burris win the auction Blago was holding for the seat?) Is Burris really so stupid as to think people will believe this? This country is way beyond that. But apparently Burris isn't smart enough to know that. If they can prove nothing against Blago, there should be no reason not to seat him. (World Net Daily)

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