Sunday, January 11, 2009

Al-Jazeera in America

The photo caption in a recent news magazine said, "Washington-based Al Jazeera anchors Ghida Fakhry [An apt name. -RT] and Dave Marash are assisted with their microphones as they prepare for a live news bulletin on the first day of Al Jazeera's International English language service from Washington November 15, 2006. Arabic television station Al Jazeera launched an English-speaking channel on Wednesday to report world news from a Middle East perspective and challenge the dominance of Western media." "World news from a Middle-Eastern perspective." What does that mean? It means anti-West, pro-terrorist propaganda, and now emanating from an American base. They think they're going to "challenge the dominance of Western media." Didn't "Air America" try to do that before they went bankrupt? Any cable company that carries this propaganda machine should have its collective head examined.(Reuters)

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