Friday, January 23, 2009

Ask Wesley Snipes

Can everybody now claim “they forgot” to pay their taxes for years and say “I’m sorry” and be forgiven? No, unless you’re a Democrat “favorite.” Actor Wesley Snipes is apparently not. He is in prison for tax evasion. Or Al Capone, who was finally “nabbed” on a tax charge. How about Leona Helmsley, the hated hotel owner who was jailed for tax charges? How about you? Or me? We’d go to jail instantly if we did what he did. Bet on it. But he is an “Obama favorite,” so he will no doubt be confirmed to actually RUN the IRS, the very agency that enforces tax laws!. Wanna bet the guy who gave him a hard time in the past will have a very short career? Look for this kind of thing to happen regularly in a Democrat-controlled government. (Yahoo News)

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