Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Self Esteem vs. Self Image

There is much too much activity regarding student's "self-esteem" vs. their "self-image." Those terms seem to be used interchangeably by educators, and they should not be. "Self-image" is the student's view of his/her talents and abilities, based on TRUTH. "Self-esteem," however, is that same view, but based on HIDING the truth from them so they will think well of themselves whether or not they are capable. One form of this is banning the use of red pens or pencils for use in grading. Another is having sports games without scoring. These kids NEED the "negative feedback" to know what areas in which they need improvement. They don't need the schools to HIDE the truth from them so as not to "injure their precious psyches." These measures are STUPID, and anyone who suggests their use should be FIRED. (Just common sense)

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