Wednesday, December 3, 2008


That's the scam Obama and other liberals could use to shut Rush and Hannity and other nationally-syndicated radio shows down without resorting to the "fairness doctrine." It's already on the books, and all Obama has to do to get it enforced is gain three votes on the FCC board. They sneak such things into "regulation" all the time, "under the radar" so they can be used later after they've been there long enough not to be questioned. In this manner, they can take away the broadcasting licenses of ANY radio station that airs such a thing as Rush or Hannity's show because it is a "national feed and is not "local." This is the kind of thing we can expect under Obama. If he is successful here, look for him to try and take over content on the Internet and put people like me out of business. Maybe we need CABLE radio, which they can't "regulate" (yet). (News Max)

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