Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"Yellow Journalism" Never Went Away

It's well-known that in the 1800s, "Yellow Journalism" was what we had to suffer because it was "the only game in town," or state, or country. When a newspaper printed the editor or publisher's opinion rather than truth, there was little we could do about it because there was no television or Internet. No "alternative media." We had to listen and believe what we were told. Today, we have many places to go to find a media outlet we trust. But the liberal media ia still trying to "control" what we believe. An example is their treatment of the "innocent civilians" supposedly killed in Iraq, which usually turn out to be armed combatants and those "witnesses" who make these claims are, as well. And the liberal press "laps it up" and reports it as if it were truth. They also sensationalize it in the best "yellow journalism" fashion. In the following CBS piece, designed to make Americans hate the war, the only numbers cited are nonenemy. It's as if American forces and their allies are the only people killing and being killed over there. What about all the people the terrorists have kidnapped and killed, beheading many? What about the news people they've beheaded? How are we going to stop them from doing those things if we don't kill them before they can kill more innocent men, women, and children? Yet today's "yellow journalists" continue to try and convince us this war is unnecessary and that we should "flee." It's a "holy war" against all non-Muslims. At least those Muslims who don't believe they can, and should kill all people who don't adhere to their narrow, violent, brand of Islam. (CBS, 2/5/07)

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