Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Another School Shooting

Yet another student walked into his school and started shooting. Yet at the same time, school authorities are fighting to keep a teacher (who is presumed to be a responsible person) from carrying a licensed gun for which she has a permit into her school to protect herself from her husband, who has hurt her before and has threatened her, School officials ask if the students should be subjected to watching her shoot her husband, and anyway there are "restraining orders" to keep him away. There are a couple of errors here. One, why should the students be subjected to watching him beat the hell out of her or kill her? And since when has a restraining order kept a man determined to hurt his ex-wife or girlfriend from doing so? If teachers could randomly be armed in school, maybe some of those victims in this, and other schools would have been safe if one of the teachers could put a couple of rounds in the head of the shooter. I know the principal at Columbine was in such a position and if he had been armed, could have stopped that shooting right there. (Breitbart, 10/10/07) [Posted /07]

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