Thursday, October 4, 2007


The Kennedy family and all their yachting chums are against a "wind farm" on Nantucket Sound (Providence Journal) because it might spoil their view. Remember, these are the same people who want to FORCE such things upon us "peasants." Kennedy is the only person whom I personally know to have gotten away with murder. He's one of the most powerful men in the Senate and has been for many years, in spite of it (which just shows we need to change the requirements for Senators and other Congressmen). Mallard Fillmore is right most of the time, and he's right this time. What confounds me is that not many other people notice things like this and this kind of person continues to be re-elected time after time. I wonder how many of his pregnant girlfriends he has to kill before he's relegated to the "junk heap of history?" (Mallard Fillmore, 9/26 &27/07)

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