Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Validity?" To Marxism?

"Howard Zinn's one-man play 'Marx in Soho' is over an hour of the German philosopher himself talking about why the years since his death have done nothing to repudiate the validity of Marxism." Don't make me laugh! There IS no "validity" to Marxism, and there never has been. They present a lot of twisted "reasoning," but they cannot ever convince me that Marxism has ever HAD any "validity because it's based on the theft of earnings from those capable and willing TO earn, and giving that stolen to those unwilling to earn. It's amazing to me that people still believe this crap. One of their usual comments is that "Communism hasn't failed, since it's never really been tried." What do they call that 70-some year "experiment" in Russia that cost many lives, and collapsed in the face of capitalism? They'll never admit that communism has been "tried" all over the world, in many different countries, some of which still survive (just barely) because they're being supported by people like this. They'll always say "it's never been tried," in spite of ample evidence that it HAS been tried, in many places, most of which have failed. Communism, for instance, is still "alive" in Cuba, where they live a 1950s-like lifestyle because Russia cannot any longer prop them up. I expect Cuba's Marxist government to collapse soon, whether or not Castro stays alive much longer. (American Thinker, 10/28/07)

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