Wednesday, October 31, 2007

IS Ann Coulter "Anti-Semitic?"

That's what the liberals want you to think in yet another attempt to discredit her and try to prove it by typically taking her words out of context. Yes, she said she thinks Jews ought to become Christians. But Jews also think Christians ought to become Jews, if you look way down deep. Liberals think everybody ought to become liberal; conservatives think liberals ought to become conservatives. So what? Is there a word to describe this syndrome? No. That's because they haven't thought one up and popularized it yet, as Jews have with "anti-Semitic," gays have with "homophobia" and Islamics have with the word "Islamophobic." All those "made-up words" tend to make the listener think there is "something wrong" with anybody who would think that way. There is not. There is a good reason to dislike Islamic terrorists, and supporters of Islam want to lump everybody who decries their murders and atrocities in with people they consider an "Islamaphobe." "Islamaphobe" simply means "those who don't like Muslims." So what? That's their right. This is idiocy if you accept it. There is a good reason for some people to dislike gays and feel uncomfortable in their presence, too. Mostly it has to do with their own ignorance. That does not make them mentally unstable, as the use of the word "homophobe" would try to make you think. Now if a person becomes OVERLY disturbed by gays, or even murders somebody simply for being gay, there IS "something wrong with them." Not simply not liking gays. I don't have anything against gays, but I have no reason to associate with them either. Does that make me a "homophobe?" Hardly. Ann simply thinks Christianity is better that Judaism, just as liberals think liberalism is better than conservatism and heterosexuals think heterosexuality is better than homosexuality and vice-versa.. That's her right, just as Jews have the right to think Judaism is better than Christianity. Is there a popular word for that? I guess we haven't thought of one yet. (Human Events/Dennis Prager, 10/16/07)

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