Monday, September 11, 2017

CBO:Never Right

The Congressional Budget Office: a useless government agency, but one on which Congress and the rest of the government depends, absolutely. Their job is to "advise" the government on the economic effect of their new tax laws. If they pass a new tax designed to bring in one hundred billion dollars, they ask the CBO to "score" the law, which means tell them if the law WILL bring in one hundred billion dollars. So the CBO goes to work and comes up with a "finding," not considering the real effect the new law will have on taxpayers. They ASSUME that ALL taxpayers will just PAY the tax, and it will bring in one hundred million dollars--it will not. It will bring in a lot less, mostly from people too dumb not to find ways tp AVOID paying the tax.

They completely ignore the fact that any tax laid affects the actions of taxpayers. If you want to STOP an action--tax it. if you want to PROMOTE an action, eliminate an existing tax on that action. It's as predictable as the sun coming up every morning. But they take CBO "pronouncements" as Gospel. The never get as much money as they "need," and thus are constantly laying new taxes on the taxpayer. Recently, when President Trump said, "The days of relying on the CBO have probably come to an end," the government, on both sides of the aisle, lost their minds. It's like many things in government, like the "baseline budget" scam, where each year all agencies automatically get a 10% increase in their budgets, need it, or not. Any less of an INCREASE is called a "cut" to con the populace. (Just common sense)

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