Friday, September 29, 2017

A Pig for Islam

There's a company in Iowa that is producing a line of ammunition that is covered in pig. I don't know if it is just DIPPED in pig blood or dropped in a vat of pig meat. But any Islamic terrorists shot with one of these bullets will NOT get his 72 virgins, but will be sent to hell. So he will be killed TWICE. This will probably make this company a target for Islamic terrorists--but maybe not, if they keep guns loaded with their own product. Islamic terrorists will be terrified to get killed attacking them. I've been suggesting this for a long time. Soldiers fighting Islamic terrorists should dip their bullets in pig's blood or pig parts before going to war. Thus will disrupt the terrorists a lot, since coming into contact with pork scares the hell out of them. But that's okay--if they get shot with one of those bullets, it'll put the hell back in them. It's really funny how easily you can defeat such ignorant people as these Islamic terrorists, just by feeding one of their terrors. Such things are ignorance personified, but they are very real to ignorant people who have been taught, from birth, to fear pork. (Keep and Bear)

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