Thursday, September 21, 2017

Banning Guns From Rallies

In West Hartford, CT, they want to make it illegal to carry a gun into a political rally because that would "destroy the First Amendment freedom of speech. Never mind the SECOND Amendment, of course. They don't agree with that one. And they really think banning guns by law from such meetings will keep the "bad guys" from bringing their guns in, anyway. In reality (which they don't understand), such a ban works right into the hands of those who want to shoot up such rallies because they can be pretty sure law-abiding people won't be armed there, and thus will be "sitting ducks." The logic (or lack of it) on then part of the anti-gun fools is stupendous! They really think making yourself DEFENSELESS is the way to "gun safety." It's the same kind of thinking that's behind "disarmament agreements" on the part of nations. The "rogue nations" willingly sign their agreements, knowing that means WE will disarm ourselves and make ourselves defenseless against their inroads. (West Hartford News)

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