Saturday, February 22, 2014

Imams Rape Sister

Apparently the pressure of teaching Muslims that it’s okay to rape your sister drove two brothers (both Imams) to rape their own sister repeatedly, then force her to have an abortion. Strangely enough, they’re facing charges for it. I say “strangely” because charging rape in a Muslim-run country usually requires FOUR male witnesses before ANY charges can be filed. Violence against women has become so common that it’s now regarded as "routine." It’s no wonder they require their women to be completely covered if this is how BROTHERS act toward heir SISTER! But apparently their female "dress code" didn’t work in this instance. I wonder what these Imams; punishment will be? Bread and water for a couple of days? Or maybe they’ll just punish HER! That’s how Muslims operate. And they want intelligent people to adopt their ways and convert to their "religion?" Muslims are gonna be really mad at me for reporting this. They consider telling the truth about them to be "hate speech." Go figure. (Aydinlik)

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