Friday, January 31, 2014
It's Funny
How the weather is making the global warming fools look as stupid as they are. Today they have RECORD cold temperatures all over the Northeast, and in New York. A bunch of “global warming scientists” were stuck in the ICE in Antarctic, in the very place they predicted would be without ice by now. The world has not been “warming” for at least 15 years while they have been using this con to collect money from people all over the world. And they’re STILL using it, after changing the name of the swindle to “climate change” after the world became aware the globe was NOT “warming” and hadn’t been for a long time. And now Obama has fallen for it, or he sees it as yet another way to tighten his grip and con us out of more money. (Just common sense)
Hudak fights Back
Like most politicians, she doesn’t attack the substance of it. She tries to “shame” people into ignoring her bad decisions. And bad decisions are what caused the recall of two other members of Colorado’s legislature. She says it’s “wasting money.” It isn’t. What she and her fellow anti-gun fools do is “wasting money” by denying Colorado’s citizens of their right to self-defense and to own and carry the means to that self-defense, a gun. Hudak said, “"I'm disappointed that these extreme interest groups feel the need to waste our taxpayer dollars on another costly, manipulative recall process," she said(But she resigned, rather than "face the music). "This just isn't the way that our government should function." - Sen. Evie Hudak. These people"are NOT "extreme interest groups." They are in the MAJORITY or they wouldn't have successfully recalled two previous legislators. But is IS the way our government should work: getting rid of those who would deny us our constitutional rights as expeditiously as possible so they can do less damage. This recall effort, in view of the previous successes, must be very frightening to Hudak. Would that we could do the same to Obama before he ruins us. (Hold Them Accountable)
Still Can't Afford It
What part of “can’t afford it” does Obama not understand about health insurance? I have NEVER been able to afford health insurance. Making a LAW to FORCE me to buy it isn’t going to change that, nor is fining me for NOT buying it. Furthermore, “insurance” with “deductibles” as high as $12,000 is not insurance, at all. It is a “money-gathering scheme.” Add to that two to three times as high a premium as I would have been paying before (IF I could afford it) is the work of a FOOL if he really thought it would help. Add to that the “two-tier medical system” like that in Cuba where good medicine is “available,” but only to Castro and others who have MONEY and you have a scam that is going to RUIN the medical profession in the U. S. A. But that's what he wants, so things are going well for him. (Just common sense)
Thursday, January 30, 2014
How Many Times?
The question of the century: How many times must socialism (in all its forms) fail before our gullible politicians get the idea? Russia tried it. Communism and socialism are two slightly different forms of collectivism, which is governed by this maxim: “FROM each according to his ABILITY, and TO each according to his NEED.” Anybody with any intelligence who reads that should understand that collectivism is TAKING from the producer of new wealth and giving that taken to the DRONES of society. It DEPENDS on the PRODUCTIVE to earn the money and buy the property coveted by those who, for whatever their reason, will NOT earn for themselves. Moreover, how many more times must I write this before the average AMERICAN gets it? OBAMA is the proudest promoter of socialism today, though he won’t admit it, while admitting it. Joe the Plumber accused him of being a socialist during an election campaign and he said, “No, I’m not a socialist; I just want to spread the wealth around.” That’s the DEFINITION of socialism and he’s too dumb to understand it! Therefore, he is INCOMPETENT. Countries all over the world are going bankrupt because of their practice of various forms of collectivism, and STILL they don’t get it. (American Thinker)
"Women's Guns"
Many gun makers have funny ideas concerning what women want in guns. Some think they just need to be small. But small guns aren’t the kind with stopping power, and that’s what they need. Some make guns with pink handles. They think pink guns are what women want. That’s a sexist thought. Women aren’t any more fond of the color pink than anybody else, breast cancer activists notwithstanding. What they want is a gun that can STOP an attacker; a gun that is “an equalizer,” that makes up for their smaller size and lesser strength. A .22 isn’t going to do it. A .38 might. Yes, larger guns kick more. But they can get used to that through practice. Pink does not do it. (Shooting Illustrated)
The Gift That Keeps On Giving (Again)
That’s how I describe Joe Biden’s stupid mouth. He has a positive TALENT for gaffes, which the “usual suspects” in the media typically ignore. In China, he asked working women, “Do your husbands like your working?” What an incredibly STUPID remark. Did you hear about it on ABC, CBS, or NBC? Doubtful. They ignored it completely, preferring to concentrate on his “don’t accept the status quo” remarks. What kind of a kerfluffle would result if a REPUBLICAN made such remarks? This shows admirably the left leaning of the media in America. America doesn’t need the government to censor things; the media does it admirably itself. (Media Research Center)
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Michelle: $10 "Donations"
Michelle Obama is now asking for $10 donations to help sell Obamacare (If it's so great, why do they need to collect extra money to “sell” it?). Just one day before Obama's “State of the Coup…er, uh, Union” speech to Congress, she has mounted an e-mail campaign among supporters to “protect Obamacare.” In it, she rails against insurance companies “discriminating against” people with pre-existing conditions. She doesn’t tell you how STUPID eliminating that “discrimination” is, as it makes Obamacare no longer “insurance,” but welfare. It’s a socialist concept: the “masses” paying for YOUR health insurance. Socialists really think that’s the right thing to do, although they eliminate payments for things that preceded you buying insurance to keep from going bankrupt, since then you would be able to be diagnosed with, say, cancer, and THEN buy “insurance” to pay all those expensive hospital, doctor and medicine costs. (Washington Examiner)
Shooters Are All Democrats
Didja notice? ALL of the “mass shooters” in recent years (I don’t know about earlier) have been Democrats or liberals. Does this tell you something about how they think, even if only a few act on it? In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln; in 1881, a left-wing radical shot and killed James Garfield; in 1963 a left-wing radical killed John Kennedy, and he was, himself, a Democrat. In 1975 a Democrat shot at Gerald Ford, and missed; in 1983 a Registered Democrat tried to kill Ronald Reagan. And those are just the PRESIDENTS shot by Democrats. ALL the “mass shooters” in recent years proved to be Democrats. Not a Republican, a Tea Party member, NRA member, or any other kind of conservative was ever involved in such a shooting. And Democrats say WE are the “enemy?” Maybe we need to make a law denying the right to carry a gun specifically aimed at DEMOCRATS and other liberals. Give 'em some of their own medicine. (Just common sense)
Security Nonexistent
Have you gone to Obama’s health care web site? Have you given up all your personal information? Right. That info is now on the “open market” and can be used to “become you” and rip you off. The security on this web site is “non-existent.” I predict that identity theft will become a multi-billion dollar industry in the near future with Obama's help. The incompetence shown in building this web site is mind-blowing! Better to pay a piddling “fine” (tax) rather than take a chance on losing your credit to identity thieves. To make it worse there is NO requirement to “vet” Obama’s “navigators,” so you might be giving your private info directly into the hands of a felon who WILL “rip you off” or sell the info to other criminals. (Fox News)
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
How Stupid ARE We?
In Iowa, they’re whomping up a campaign to have Hillary Clinton run for president again. Are we really that stupid? One Clinton was enough, even before Benghazi. That aside, what has she ever done that was good? She was appointed by her hubby during his presidency to come up with a health care plan like the abortion Obama foisted upon us and she couldn’t. Obama appointed her secretary of state and she couldn’t even handle THAT job. Like Obama, she believes in socialism and will further his attempt to socialize this country. And then she was complicit in the MURDERS of four embassy people in Benghazi, having been WARNED that an attack was eminent, she REDUCED their security against their pleas for MORE security. Then, when the predicted attack was in process, she told rescue parties who were ready to go, and who COULD have reached there in time, maybe saving some lives, to “stand down.” She is NOT “presidential material.” To elect her would be a “third term” for both her husband AND Obama. Then there’s Joe. If anybody thinks Joe won’t make his own try, they need to think again. Democrats have lied Sarah Palin into ignominity and have done the same to several other viable Republican candidates. And Republicans have allowed it because they're afraid of them, too. I don’t know who the Republicans will put up, but I’ve heard some pretty fool suggestions over there. When are we going to “wise up” and elect a COMPETENT candidate to the presidency? Are we going to continue to elect socialist after socialist and HOPE they’ll “change their spots?” (Just common sense)
Rocker Criticizes "Gun People"
“Pearl Jam’s” Eddie Vedder criticizes pro-gun people for ”hiding behind the Second Amendment.” So what should they do? Let Obama and his friends disarm hem and leave them defenseless against ILLEGALLY armed criminals (some even wearing badges)? Should they let the government take away their right to self-defense? And that’s what it really amounts to. Does Vedder have armed guards protecting him? I’ll bet he does. All these people who can afford to HIRE guns to protect them think they are so far above us “common folk” they can criticize us for not wanting to allow government to take away our rights. This guy is a FOOL and is advertising it to the world. This fool should stick to making “music”—IF he’s even good at that. With the kind of “music” there is today, I seriously doubt it. Just like the kind of “gun laws” they make today do NOTHING to stop gun violence, but instead, INCREASE it by disarming innocent people. He’s too dumb to realize that, but dumb people are usually too dumb to know how dumb they are. (AmmoLand)
Texas didn't Kill Kennedy
When a sniper took aim and blew President John Kennedy’s brains all over the back of the front seat of that open limousine that day, he “changed the world,” according to legend. That happened in Dallas, Texas and many attribute that killing to Texas. They’re wrong: Texas didn’t kill Kennedy, somebody who hated him, rightly or wrongly, killed Kennedy. Kennedy’s POLICIES killed Kennedy, but his death has long been blamed on the State of Texas. His death has spawned a “cottage industry” making a LOT of money for people arguing about whether his death was due to ONE SHOOTER or several. The “Warren Commission, after much talk and spending much money, decided it was. It may or may not have been. But Texas didn’t kill Kennedy, WASHINGTON did. My money is on Johnson. I had my own problems with Kennedy’s policies. They were the subjects of the FIRST pamphlet I wrote to comment on political actions (in the sixties), entitled, “I Am An Extremist!” It detailed the many things about which I was extremely angry” and lampooned the extremists who called ME an extremist for them. But my objections to his policies didn’t rise to the level of wishing him dead. Today, many have decided there WAS, in fact, a second shooter; that Oswald was a lousy shot and missed THREE times, leaving it necessary for a second shooter to fire the lethal shot and get he job done (I still find it hard to imagine Oswald as a Marine).
We will never know because the “investigation” into the Kennedy killing was one of the worst botched “investigations” in memory (maybe that was on purpose). Evidence was altered, the very AUTOPSY done on his body is said to have been botched, and the only man who really KNEW if there was a second shooter was MURDERED by (Jack Ruby) a man who had some strange “friendships” among government people, before he could be properly questioned. Yes, his murder did change many things: for one, the president has never paraded around in an open limousine since. Presidential security has increased considerably. Kennedy was a liberal, as liberals were known then. Some of his policies would have made today’s politicians call him a conservative. One of those was to LOWER the tax base and by so doing INCREASE the “tax take,” an action repeated by one of his successors, Ronald Reagan, with similar results, almost DOUBLING the “tax take” in the following years until liberals managed to raise it significantly since, thus LOWERING “the tax take,” while bemoaning that decrease without ever admitting it was THEIR ACTIONS that had done it. Even though most of Kennedy’s actions WERE liberal, this is just ONE that I would have heartily approved of, though I was not yet sufficiently knowledgeable to know that at the time.
I disapproved of his actions toward Cuba, including his attempt to kill Castro, though I am not, and never will be a Castro supporter. I merely thought his action in APPROVING the “Bay of Pigs invasion, then “pulling our support out,” leaving his troops to die, and creating a situation where we had to pay a LOT of money (and tractors) to get some of his prisoners released, though he and other politicians denied that ever happened. There were other things to which I objected, but I will not enumerate them here. Yes, I’ve been observing politics that long, and things have not gotten better since. In fact they have gotten “progressively” worse. Terminally worse, in my opinion, and that leads me to wonder why Barack Obama is still alive. Maybe it’s because only a right-winger would want to kill him and only leftists do that (maybe it is the specter of Joe Biden as president that is good insurance against assassination). They tried to convince the world Kennedy was killed by a right-winger when it happened (as usual). But it was not to be, since Oswald (his presumed killer) was a “dedicated leftist and known communist,” which somehow could NOT be hidden from the world. Progressivism (communism) was in decline then, and they started calling themselves LIBERALS to fool us. Liberalism is now KNOWN to be a “cover” for those who wish this country to be a COLLECTIVIST (communist, socialist, etc.) nation. Progressivism has regained its prominence as an “alternate name” for communism since its real definition (communist) has been forgotten.
Yes, Kennedy’s murder did “change the world,” but not for the better, because politicians have so messed things up since. We have slipped ever closer to becoming the “Soviet Union” of the 21st Century as politicians work tirelessly to create a “collectivist (socialist) society.” Obama is the “front man” of that effort, having been BORN to communist parents, RAISED as a communist, schooled by communists, and mentored by communists. How could he be ANYTHING but a communist in his thinking, even if he might not be a “card-carrying member” of the communist party. It is his collectivist THINKING that counts, reinforced, as it has been by his communist mentors over the years after his communist upbringing. His support for Muslims, however, is strange, if you didn’t know that Islam has ALSO been a big part of his upbringing, having been born (whether he will admit it or not) in a Muslim country and raised in Muslim schools (that part is proven). It would be amazing to me if he WEREN’T a Muslin sympathizer. All that aside, it is his ACTIONS that tell me he is both a collectivist (socialist) and a Muslim sympathizer who would make this country REPLACE RUSSIA as a collectivist “showcase nation” for a while, until it collapses of its own weight, as did Soviet Russia. Collectivist nations can NEVER survive for long because they produce NOTHING and eliminates incentive to produce. Russia survived longer than it would have if it didn't have America’s financial support.
Communism and socialism DEPEND on the labor of those capable and WILLING to earn for themselves to provide money and property to steal and redistribute to others, who are NOT “producers.” Collectivism destroys INCENTIVE, which is NECESSARY for progress, and that will kill collectivism in this country ultimately, as it did in Russia, though probably not in my lifetime. I am glad I am as old as I am (76), and will not live to see most of what is coming. But I am sad to know that my progeny will. I have tried my best to stop it from happening, but I fear I’ve failed. So I will just have to watch it happening until my time comes, which I fear will not be long, with Obama controlling the health profession in his ignorance. (Just common sense)
We will never know because the “investigation” into the Kennedy killing was one of the worst botched “investigations” in memory (maybe that was on purpose). Evidence was altered, the very AUTOPSY done on his body is said to have been botched, and the only man who really KNEW if there was a second shooter was MURDERED by (Jack Ruby) a man who had some strange “friendships” among government people, before he could be properly questioned. Yes, his murder did change many things: for one, the president has never paraded around in an open limousine since. Presidential security has increased considerably. Kennedy was a liberal, as liberals were known then. Some of his policies would have made today’s politicians call him a conservative. One of those was to LOWER the tax base and by so doing INCREASE the “tax take,” an action repeated by one of his successors, Ronald Reagan, with similar results, almost DOUBLING the “tax take” in the following years until liberals managed to raise it significantly since, thus LOWERING “the tax take,” while bemoaning that decrease without ever admitting it was THEIR ACTIONS that had done it. Even though most of Kennedy’s actions WERE liberal, this is just ONE that I would have heartily approved of, though I was not yet sufficiently knowledgeable to know that at the time.
I disapproved of his actions toward Cuba, including his attempt to kill Castro, though I am not, and never will be a Castro supporter. I merely thought his action in APPROVING the “Bay of Pigs invasion, then “pulling our support out,” leaving his troops to die, and creating a situation where we had to pay a LOT of money (and tractors) to get some of his prisoners released, though he and other politicians denied that ever happened. There were other things to which I objected, but I will not enumerate them here. Yes, I’ve been observing politics that long, and things have not gotten better since. In fact they have gotten “progressively” worse. Terminally worse, in my opinion, and that leads me to wonder why Barack Obama is still alive. Maybe it’s because only a right-winger would want to kill him and only leftists do that (maybe it is the specter of Joe Biden as president that is good insurance against assassination). They tried to convince the world Kennedy was killed by a right-winger when it happened (as usual). But it was not to be, since Oswald (his presumed killer) was a “dedicated leftist and known communist,” which somehow could NOT be hidden from the world. Progressivism (communism) was in decline then, and they started calling themselves LIBERALS to fool us. Liberalism is now KNOWN to be a “cover” for those who wish this country to be a COLLECTIVIST (communist, socialist, etc.) nation. Progressivism has regained its prominence as an “alternate name” for communism since its real definition (communist) has been forgotten.
Yes, Kennedy’s murder did “change the world,” but not for the better, because politicians have so messed things up since. We have slipped ever closer to becoming the “Soviet Union” of the 21st Century as politicians work tirelessly to create a “collectivist (socialist) society.” Obama is the “front man” of that effort, having been BORN to communist parents, RAISED as a communist, schooled by communists, and mentored by communists. How could he be ANYTHING but a communist in his thinking, even if he might not be a “card-carrying member” of the communist party. It is his collectivist THINKING that counts, reinforced, as it has been by his communist mentors over the years after his communist upbringing. His support for Muslims, however, is strange, if you didn’t know that Islam has ALSO been a big part of his upbringing, having been born (whether he will admit it or not) in a Muslim country and raised in Muslim schools (that part is proven). It would be amazing to me if he WEREN’T a Muslin sympathizer. All that aside, it is his ACTIONS that tell me he is both a collectivist (socialist) and a Muslim sympathizer who would make this country REPLACE RUSSIA as a collectivist “showcase nation” for a while, until it collapses of its own weight, as did Soviet Russia. Collectivist nations can NEVER survive for long because they produce NOTHING and eliminates incentive to produce. Russia survived longer than it would have if it didn't have America’s financial support.
Communism and socialism DEPEND on the labor of those capable and WILLING to earn for themselves to provide money and property to steal and redistribute to others, who are NOT “producers.” Collectivism destroys INCENTIVE, which is NECESSARY for progress, and that will kill collectivism in this country ultimately, as it did in Russia, though probably not in my lifetime. I am glad I am as old as I am (76), and will not live to see most of what is coming. But I am sad to know that my progeny will. I have tried my best to stop it from happening, but I fear I’ve failed. So I will just have to watch it happening until my time comes, which I fear will not be long, with Obama controlling the health profession in his ignorance. (Just common sense)
Monday, January 27, 2014
Walker Saved Wisconsin
Scott Walker wanted to “drown the unions in the bath” to revive Wisconsin and balance the budget, using conservative principles. The people agreed with him, and they elected him governor. The unions fought back and even tried to recall him. He won. He "slapped them down." Then things went kinda “quiet” for a while, while he worked. The state now boasts a $911 million SURPLUS, something unheard of in Democrat (liberal) administrations. Unemployment is at 6.2%, the lowest it has been since 2008. This is what the liberals feared most. Conservative values doing what they’ve NEVER been able to do with their “spend to succeed” ideas. That means a complete blackout in the American press about him and his work. That’s why this story is only in the British press. The American media keep saying he wouldn’t be a good possibility for president, but I disagree. He has done what no Democrat (liberal) has ever been able to do because of incompetence, and I think he could do it again as “commander-in-chief.” (The Telegraph)
Colo. Prosecutor Refuses to Prosecute
Apparently not being as “anti-gun” as some prosecutors, he refused to prosecute people whose homes were damaged in the recent Colorado floods under Hickenlooper’s overly broad law when they stored their guns at their friend or relative’s home while their own homes were repaired. This wide open law would allow him to prosecute those people for “illegal gun transfer” if they did it. But an INTELLIGENT prosecutor would not prosecute people under this law, and he didn’t. Other prosecutors, being “anti-gun,” would jump at the chance. Hick needs to get this law changed to reflect reality, but will he? I doubt it. He’s an anti-gun Democrat, after all. (NRA-ILA)
Obama Wants Free Spending
He thinks the limits on spending are an “obstacle,” and, as with most emperors, he wants them simply eliminated. He has had mostly an unlimited supply of money to spend since he was elected, never having filed a budget, as required by law. He had a little problem last year when the Congress objected to continuing to raise his debt limit time after time, but that was solved when Republicans “caved.” But Obama wants no such “problems” in the future. He wants the REMOVAL of the debt ceiling so there are NO OBSTACLES to him spending as much as he wants, whether or not we have any REAL money left. He thinks he doesn’t have a “spending problem,” but he does, even if he’s too ignorant to notice. We need to stop giving him all the money he wants to spend, or he will just spend even more. Otherwise, we need to get rid of this spendthrift president. (Western Center for Journalism)
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Only In New York
We get rid of one mayor who fancies himself a dictator, banning everything he doesn’t like and going right on to a third term, even though the law says he can’t, which makes him a mini-Obama, ignoring the law (and the electorate let him do it), to a mayor who is a COMMUNIST (he calls it “progressive”), which is another name for communist”. New Yorkers deserve what they get when they stupidly elect such people. They bi-ch and moan about high taxation and the high cost of living and high prices, but they keep electing fools such as these two. Will they EVER put “two and two together” and realize that as long as liberals run their city AND their state, it’s going to continue? Some people think there's no way they couldn't know. But dedicated New Yorkers don't think the same way as human beings do. They make no connection between the liberal politicians running things and the reasons why they're in such misery. Detroiters still haven't learned it, and they're bankrupt. (The Blaze)
He Made A "Cutting Remark"
A deli clerk pulled a machete on an armed robber who tried to rob his store, and the robber didn’t shoot him. He must not have had any bullets. The clerk’s actions weren’t too smart if the robber’s gun HAD been loaded. But they were effective. The robber fled. They say he fired a shot, but I couldn’t see it in the video. The clerk, who was obviously very mad, chased the robber all the way across the parking lot. He may be still running. I’d bet he doesn’t try to rob this deli again after he cleans out his pants. (4New York)
Thank Obama
Not for what you’d think. The “bottom is falling out” of his polling numbers as well as those of the Democrat Party because of ObamaCare. The ”sleeping giant” that is America is “waking up,” due to the stupidities reflected in ObamaCare and the 2014 election is in danger for them. Even the news media is turning on him (slightly, but more is to come). The late night comedians are now “taking him on” in their monologues. He has massively overplayed his hand with ObamaCare and MILLIONS of Americans are out of work and can’t get any. They’re not used to this, and they know who needs to be blamed: Obama and the Democrats, no matter how hard he tries to blame Republicans. So thank you, Obama, for going too far and waking people up to the foolishness embodied in liberalism (socialism). We applaud you for that, if nothing else. (Just common sense)
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Liberals Tell You Who They Fear
Not knowingly, but they do. They do it by trying hard to destroy the object of their fear. A good example is what they did to Sarah Palin; and what they’re STILL trying to do to the Tea Parties. The “Tea Party” is not an organized group with 501 (c)3 tax exemption (though there ARE some Tea Party groups who are). It's a n "umbrella" to say what they stand for. They are a bunch of INDIVIDUALS who are OUTRAGED by what the liberals, led by Obama, are doing to them and their way of life. Look at what they’re (liberals, not the Tea Parties) trying to do to Allen West, who is still a viable presidential candidate; or Gov. Christie, whose STAFF did something stupid, MAYBE with his knowledge. They DESTROYED Mitt Romney. They couldn’t find anything bad about him, so they just lied about him. They HATE Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh because they are the LEADERS in the radio opposition to them.
They get a lot of truth out there, so they MUST go. There are many viable possible candidates to run for president in 2016; too many to mention here. But you can tell who they are by what Democrats say about them. Rick Santorum and the Pauls, father and son. Newt Gingrich, but they don’t worry much about him any more. They dispensed with him in the primaries in 2012. There are still more, whose names I can’t even remember now. Obama says his popularity is slipping because he’s black. But what about Allen West and the other black Republican candidates Democrats have lied about. The point is, you can always tell who frightens them the most, by how many negative things they say about them, not just before an election, but all the time. You can count on it. (Just common sense)
They get a lot of truth out there, so they MUST go. There are many viable possible candidates to run for president in 2016; too many to mention here. But you can tell who they are by what Democrats say about them. Rick Santorum and the Pauls, father and son. Newt Gingrich, but they don’t worry much about him any more. They dispensed with him in the primaries in 2012. There are still more, whose names I can’t even remember now. Obama says his popularity is slipping because he’s black. But what about Allen West and the other black Republican candidates Democrats have lied about. The point is, you can always tell who frightens them the most, by how many negative things they say about them, not just before an election, but all the time. You can count on it. (Just common sense)
Why I'll Never "Sign Up"
I’m probably not eligible for Obama’s health care swindle anyway, because I’m on Social Security and Medicare (I couldn’t get out of it). But even if I were, I would not sign up for it. The first reason is, I can’t afford it. “What part of ‘can’t afford it’ don’t you understand, Obama?” Next, if I couldn’t afford it before, now that my costs would be DOUBLED or even more, I STILL can’t afford it, and would never “buy a pig in a poke.” Then there’s the REQUIREMENT that I buy it through a “broken-down” web site that doesn’t work, and never WILL work that requires all my personal information FIRST, before I even get to “shop” the plans available and “signs me up” for any plan I so much as ASK about; then it will not let me reverse that. Meanwhile my personal information is available to any identity thief who wants it because there are NO security safeguards. NO, there are too many negatives here, and anybody who doesn’t want to be swindled, either by Obama OR other kinds of identity thieves (he's probably got a deal with ID thieves), should STAY AWAY. And tell them to stick their fines in the usual place, sideways. (Just common sense)
Karzai Is A Fool
Kazai is only president of Afghanistan because WE took down the Talliban, the Islamic terrorist organization that was enslaving Afghanistan, and helped instrumentally in getting him elected. Now he doesn’t want to go down in history as America’s stooge. But stooge he is. If not ours, the Taliban’s. The “rules” he is making are helping the Taliban to regain power they lost when we “took them down” and people are DYING while they go about “plying their trade” as killers. Susan Rice (you remember the woman whose LIES about Benghazi helped Obama escape punishment for the deaths of FOUR embassy employees) was highly pissed when she left a meeting with him and intimated that next year would be WITHOUT any American troop presence in Afghanistan, which will be a DEATH KNELL for Karzai (or his successor) and his government. Without us, Afghanistan is DOOMED to go back to being an Islamic state run by a terrorist organization, the Taliban. (Ottowa Citizen)
Friday, January 24, 2014
Murderers Blame the Murdered
Is there no low to which Zero (Obama) won’t sink? After continually snubbing the families of the murdered embassy personnel in Benghazi and refusing to give them ANY information, he is now trying to blame THE VICTIMS for the attack! Now brave Christopher Hicks, Deputy Chief of Mission at the embassy in Tripoli, Libya, has written an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal bemoaning this fact. I say brave because he has revealed many things about Benghazi that Obama is afraid of, and I expect him to be recalled soon and maybe even “defrocked,” never to serve again as long as Obama can keep it so. Or maybe murdered in yet another questionable raid by Islamic terrorists Obama will call something else and not investigate. Obama is a disgrace to the office of president and to the name of man. He can call me a racist all he wants, and then wipe the brown stuff off his mouth. I care not about ANYTHING this criminal says. If we get rid of him in 2016 (and I wonder if that’s possible), we’ll be well rid of a fool and a con man, and a murderer. There is an ad running to tell the world these facts. You can contribute to its cost, if you wish. I would contribute, but I have no money. (Obama’s Failure)
You Gotta Be Careful
If you’re a holdup man, you gotta make sure the guy you’re trying to hold up isn’t an armed cop. The one in this story didn’t do that and now he’s in the hospital with gunshot wounds and will be going from there to the county jail, then state prison. Several undercover cops were walking down the street when this unnamed crook tried to rob them. A fight ensued and he was shot (non-fatally, lucky for him). I would think that, when he eventually gets out of prison, he will be more careful in picking his targets. (9WAFB)
"Don't Blame Caesar"
“Do not blame Julius Caesar. Blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and given him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the forum of the ‘new, wonderful, and good society which shall be Rome,’ interpreted to mean more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.” Cicero said this, and it tells me Caesar was a socialist, though he didn't even know what socialism meant. This is the usual “clarion call” to the ignorant for socialism, and this is why Rome fell. People have been falling for this swindle for aeons and those who just want a “free ride" will ALWAYS fall for it. (Just common sense)
Thursday, January 23, 2014
"Hang HIm HIgh"
One Florida Republican says it all for all of us who pay attention to what Obama is doing to us and that got him in trouble: He tweeted, “I'm past impeachment. It's time to arrest and hang him high.” And Democrats went nuts. More nuts than usual, that is. He spoke for everybody who pays attention to what Obama is doing to us. Only people who are blissfully ignorant or are part of the swindle disagree. MILLIONS are unemployed, with no prospects for getting a job in the near future; there is a REAL unemployment rate of 37% while he lies to us about it being 6.7$% by fudging the numbers; He sends money and guns to Islamic terrorists in Syria who PRETEND to be rebels but are Islamic terrorists; he “runs guns” to the Mexican drug cartels in Mexico under the GUISE of “trying to track them”; He screws up the medical profession like “Hogan’s goat,” which is going to make life impossible for all of us in a few years if it hasn’t already. He violates the Constitution DAILY.
How some people can claim to still “like him,” I don’t know. I guess they’re just blind to his many flaws. But even on Fox they’re saying people “like him” although they “don’t agree with SOME of his policies.” "SOME of his policies?" I don’t agree with ANY of his policies as he marches us closer and closer to socialism and steals our money and our rights in the bargain while using our money to support our enemies. Why do there have to be so many STUPID people in the world? And can anything be done about it short of an armed revolution? Is it TIME for a rebellion? I don’t know. CAN it be “fixed” without violence? And who will be the first to commit violence? Us, or them? I’m old, and won’t live to see much of it. But I despair for my progeny, who will; and who may even find it necessary to fight in any revolution that comes. I don't recommend such a revolution, nor could I participate in it. But I fear it is coming if SOMEBODY doesn't wake up and get rid of this fool. Not violently, but legally in whatever way they can. (Eagle Rising)
How some people can claim to still “like him,” I don’t know. I guess they’re just blind to his many flaws. But even on Fox they’re saying people “like him” although they “don’t agree with SOME of his policies.” "SOME of his policies?" I don’t agree with ANY of his policies as he marches us closer and closer to socialism and steals our money and our rights in the bargain while using our money to support our enemies. Why do there have to be so many STUPID people in the world? And can anything be done about it short of an armed revolution? Is it TIME for a rebellion? I don’t know. CAN it be “fixed” without violence? And who will be the first to commit violence? Us, or them? I’m old, and won’t live to see much of it. But I despair for my progeny, who will; and who may even find it necessary to fight in any revolution that comes. I don't recommend such a revolution, nor could I participate in it. But I fear it is coming if SOMEBODY doesn't wake up and get rid of this fool. Not violently, but legally in whatever way they can. (Eagle Rising)
They don't Know Who Their Friends Are
Schools apparently want to keep themselves defenseless when some crazy comes to shoot them up and kill their students. They HATE the NRA and have even been known to force a young girl wearing a NRA shirt to take it off and have suspended her for “promoting violence.” But is she? Not even! She’s “promoting self-defense.” That school is just another “gun-free zone” and an INVITATION to would-be shooters to come in and kill their students. They’re too dumb to realize that’s what they’re doing. Actually, they’re too dumb to know how dumb they ARE. Simply letting teachers and staff who are already legal “carriers” bring their guns to school would be a cheap way to defend themselves, but they’re not smart enough to figure that out. Potential shooters would not know WHO was armed and could not “take them out early” as they can with uniformed cops. But this kind of thing is lost on people who are AFRAID of guns, themselves. (Eagle Rising)
Incompetent, Arrogant "Officials"
When you go into a school, don’t ever try to use logic on them. They don’t know the meaning of that word, much less have any themselves. And the “school resource officer” is worse. He has a small bit of authority and he means to USE it, even if he’s wrong. And I this case, he is VERY wrong. A man has the right to take his child out of school at ANY time. Not just the time when school “officials” mandate. And a cop on the scene has no authority to stop him from doing just that, let alone “whipping up” a phony “charge” (contempt of cop, maybe?) to use in arresting him for doing what is his RIGHT: to remonstrate with the school for holding his children against his (legal) will. The cop accused him of “being childish.” But in actuality, it is the COP who is “being childish” and exceeding what little authority he has. These school “authorities” should be FIRED for this, and the cop, as well, for BULLYING this well-meaning father. Notice the “welcome” sign on the desk. Apparently that’s false, too. The cops would do well not to pursue these "charges." (Eagle Rising)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
$5 Million for Aliens
Remember “Big Sis?” Former Homeland Security Secretary, now President of the University of California system (they always get big-money jobs, don’t they?) She’s getting $5 million dollars to hand out to ILLEGAL ALIEN students even though they don’t appreciate it. One student said, “It’s not aid. It just increases student debt” while holding his hand out for the money. He thinks the money should be given DIRECTLY to the illegal alien students, rather than be used for scholarships and other expenses. What ungrateful damned fools they are! This kind of person should be sent back home on a bus, not allowed to go to our schools and colleges ON OUR NICKLE. And then look down on us for providing it to them. (Tea Party Economist)
Texas Didn't Kill Kennedy
When a sniper took aim and blew President John Kennedy’s brains all over the back of the front seat of that open limousine that day, he “changed the world,” according to legend. That happened in Dallas, Texas and many attribute that killing to Texas. They’re wrong: Texas didn’t kill Kennedy, somebody who hated him, rightly or wrongly, killed Kennedy. Kennedy’s POLICIES killed Kennedy, but his death has long been blamed on the State of Texas. His death has spawned a “cottage industry” making a LOT of money for people arguing about whether his death was due to ONE SHOOTER or several. The “Warren Commission,” after much talk and spending much money, decided it was. It may or may not have been. But Texas didn’t kill Kennedy, WASHINGTON did. I had my own problems with Kennedy’s policies. They were the subjects of the FIRST pamphlet I wrote to comment on political actions, entitled, “I Am An Extremist!” It detailed the many things Kennedy did about which I was extremely angry and lampooned the extremists who called ME an extremist for them. But my objections to his policies didn’t rise to the level of wishing him dead. Today, many have decided there WAS, in fact, a second shooter; that Oswald was a lousy shot and missed THREE times, leaving it necessary for a second shooter to fire the lethal shot and get he job done (I still find it hard to imagine Oswald as a Marine).
We will never know because the “investigation” into the Kennedy killing was one of the worst botched “investigations” in memory. Evidence was altered, the very AUTOPSY done on his body is said to have been botched, and the only man who really KNEW if there was a second shooter was MURDERED by a man who had some strange “friendships” among government people, before he could be properly questioned. Yes, his murder did change many things: for one, the president has never paraded around in an open limousine since. Presidential security has increased considerably. Kennedy was a liberal, as liberals were known then. Some of his policies would have made today’s politicians call him a conservative. One of those was to LOWER the tax base and by so doing INCREASE the “tax take,” an action repeated by one of his successors, Ronald Reagan, with similar results, almost DOUBLING the “tax take” in the following years until liberals managed to raise it significantly since, thus LOWERING “the tax take,” while bemoaning that decrease without ever admitting it was THEIR ACTIONS that had done it. Even though most of Kennedy’s actions WERE liberal, this is just ONE that I would have heartily approved of, though I was not yet sufficiently knowledgeable to know that.
I disapproved of his actions toward Cuba, including his attempt to kill Castro, though I am not, and never will be a Castro supporter. I merely thought his action in APPROVING the “Bay of Pigs invasion”, then “pulling our support out,” leaving his troops to die, and creating a situation where we had to pay a LOT of money to get some of his prisoners released, though he and other politicians denied that ever happened. There were other things to which I objected, but I will not enumerate them here. Yes, I’ve been observing politics that long, and things have not gotten better since. In fact they have gotten “progressively” worse. Terminally worse, in my opinion, and that leads me to wonder why Barack Obama is still alive. Maybe it’s because only a right-winger would want to kill him and only leftists do that (maybe it is the specter of Joe Biden as president that is good insurance against assassination). They tried to convince the world Kennedy was killed by a right-winger when it happened (as usual). But it was not to be, since Oswald (his presumed killer) was a “dedicated leftist and known communist,” which somehow could NOT be hidden from the world. Progressivism (communism) was in decline then, and they started calling themselves LIBERALS to fool us. Liberalism is now KNOWN to be a “cover” for those who wish this country to be a COLLECTIVIST (communist, socialist, etc.) nation. Progressivism has regained its prominence as an “alternate name” for communism since its real definition has been forgotten.
Yes, Kennedy’s murder did “change the world,” but not for the better, because politicians have so messed things up since. We have slipped ever closer to becoming the “Soviet Union” of the 21st Century as politicians worked tirelessly to create a “collectivist (socialist) society.” Obama is the “front man” of that effort, having been BORN to communist parents, RAISED as a communist, schooled by communists, and mentored by communists. How could he be ANYTHING but a communist in his thinking, even if he might not be a “card-carrying member” of the communist party? It is his collectivist THINKING that counts, reinforced, as it has been by his communist mentors over the years after his communist upbringing. His support for Muslims, however, is strange, if you didn’t know that Islam has ALSO been a big part of his upbringing, having been born (whether he will admit it or not) in a Muslim country and raised in Muslim schools. It would be amazing to me if he WEREN’T a Muslin sympathizer. All that aside, it is his ACTIONS that tell me he is both a collectivist (socialist) and a Muslim sympathizer who would make this country REPLACE RUSSIA as a collectivist “showcase nation” for a while, until it collapses of its own weight, as did Soviet Russia. Collectivist nations can NEVER survive for long because they produce NOTHING. Russia survived longer than it would have, without America’s financial support.
They DEPEND on the labor of those capable and WILLING to earn for themselves to provide money and property to steal and redistribute to others, who are NOT “producers.” Collectivism destroys INCENTIVE, which is NECESSARY for progress, and that will kill collectivism in this country ultimately, as it did in Russia, though probably not in my lifetime. I am glad I am as old as I am (76), and will not live to see most of what is coming. But I am sad to know that my progeny will. I have tried my best to stop it from happening, but I fear I’ve failed. So I will just have to watch it happening until my time comes, which I fear will not be long, with Obama controlling the health profession in his ignorance. (Just common sense)
We will never know because the “investigation” into the Kennedy killing was one of the worst botched “investigations” in memory. Evidence was altered, the very AUTOPSY done on his body is said to have been botched, and the only man who really KNEW if there was a second shooter was MURDERED by a man who had some strange “friendships” among government people, before he could be properly questioned. Yes, his murder did change many things: for one, the president has never paraded around in an open limousine since. Presidential security has increased considerably. Kennedy was a liberal, as liberals were known then. Some of his policies would have made today’s politicians call him a conservative. One of those was to LOWER the tax base and by so doing INCREASE the “tax take,” an action repeated by one of his successors, Ronald Reagan, with similar results, almost DOUBLING the “tax take” in the following years until liberals managed to raise it significantly since, thus LOWERING “the tax take,” while bemoaning that decrease without ever admitting it was THEIR ACTIONS that had done it. Even though most of Kennedy’s actions WERE liberal, this is just ONE that I would have heartily approved of, though I was not yet sufficiently knowledgeable to know that.
I disapproved of his actions toward Cuba, including his attempt to kill Castro, though I am not, and never will be a Castro supporter. I merely thought his action in APPROVING the “Bay of Pigs invasion”, then “pulling our support out,” leaving his troops to die, and creating a situation where we had to pay a LOT of money to get some of his prisoners released, though he and other politicians denied that ever happened. There were other things to which I objected, but I will not enumerate them here. Yes, I’ve been observing politics that long, and things have not gotten better since. In fact they have gotten “progressively” worse. Terminally worse, in my opinion, and that leads me to wonder why Barack Obama is still alive. Maybe it’s because only a right-winger would want to kill him and only leftists do that (maybe it is the specter of Joe Biden as president that is good insurance against assassination). They tried to convince the world Kennedy was killed by a right-winger when it happened (as usual). But it was not to be, since Oswald (his presumed killer) was a “dedicated leftist and known communist,” which somehow could NOT be hidden from the world. Progressivism (communism) was in decline then, and they started calling themselves LIBERALS to fool us. Liberalism is now KNOWN to be a “cover” for those who wish this country to be a COLLECTIVIST (communist, socialist, etc.) nation. Progressivism has regained its prominence as an “alternate name” for communism since its real definition has been forgotten.
Yes, Kennedy’s murder did “change the world,” but not for the better, because politicians have so messed things up since. We have slipped ever closer to becoming the “Soviet Union” of the 21st Century as politicians worked tirelessly to create a “collectivist (socialist) society.” Obama is the “front man” of that effort, having been BORN to communist parents, RAISED as a communist, schooled by communists, and mentored by communists. How could he be ANYTHING but a communist in his thinking, even if he might not be a “card-carrying member” of the communist party? It is his collectivist THINKING that counts, reinforced, as it has been by his communist mentors over the years after his communist upbringing. His support for Muslims, however, is strange, if you didn’t know that Islam has ALSO been a big part of his upbringing, having been born (whether he will admit it or not) in a Muslim country and raised in Muslim schools. It would be amazing to me if he WEREN’T a Muslin sympathizer. All that aside, it is his ACTIONS that tell me he is both a collectivist (socialist) and a Muslim sympathizer who would make this country REPLACE RUSSIA as a collectivist “showcase nation” for a while, until it collapses of its own weight, as did Soviet Russia. Collectivist nations can NEVER survive for long because they produce NOTHING. Russia survived longer than it would have, without America’s financial support.
They DEPEND on the labor of those capable and WILLING to earn for themselves to provide money and property to steal and redistribute to others, who are NOT “producers.” Collectivism destroys INCENTIVE, which is NECESSARY for progress, and that will kill collectivism in this country ultimately, as it did in Russia, though probably not in my lifetime. I am glad I am as old as I am (76), and will not live to see most of what is coming. But I am sad to know that my progeny will. I have tried my best to stop it from happening, but I fear I’ve failed. So I will just have to watch it happening until my time comes, which I fear will not be long, with Obama controlling the health profession in his ignorance. (Just common sense)
2,000 Pages of Regulations
In addition to the 3,000 page law, Obama’s crazies have written 20,000 pages of new regulations to add to it. There’s no telling what’s in there. Peelosi said, “We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it,” but she was wrong. It has passed, and we STILL don’t know what’s in it (and neither do those who passed it). Nor will we ever know until we “break” one of those regulations in those 20,000 pages—and maybe more, as soon as they finish writing them. That’s how Obama plans to take COMPLETE control over the now communized (socialized) health care system for himself. Things are going completely according to plan. With his purposely-faulty web site, he is in the process of putting every American in position to be “criminalized.” They can’t “sign up” for any of his “plans” because the web site doesn’t work. And he is STILL in position to “fine” them for not signing up, even though they cannot. I predict he will use this to consolidate his power until he is all but (or maybe all) a dictator. (Just common sense)
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
It's Not Just Obama
Whenever you're within 100 miles of any border in the U. S., you're subject to search and seizure WITHOUT a warrant, at any time, with, or without probable cause. Much as I’d like for it to be just under Obama, this is a situation that has gone on for a long time, through several administrations. I don’t know how they worked it, but this very concept is a violation of the Constitution. I don’t know how this started, but I plan to research it. NOBODY should have the power to ORDER a private citizen to divulge his/her computer passwords and open up their computer to inspection by a federal bureaucrat. But they’ve had it that way for years. This judicial decision (by one person) reinforces this unconstitutional usurpation or people’s rights and should be ignored. (The Minority Report)
Using ObamaCare to Kill Gun Rights
The doctors who treat you will be REQUIRED to ask you a series of searching questions, the answers to which will forever take away your right to own a gun, among other things. And they can penalize you if you refuse to answer them by taking away your gun rights if you refuse to answer! You must answer these questions in order to be treated for ANYTHING. There may even be a fine involved for “refusers.” There are many good reasons to DEFUND OBAMACARE, but these are good ones. DO NOT ALLOW Obama to “take over” the medical profession by forcing you to buy health insurance that will cost you two to three times what the same coverage cost you before. He denies that, but he’s LYING. All it will take to find the truth is to ask for a quote. But under Obamacare, just asking for a quote “signs you up” and obligates you to pay for it forever. You can’t cancel it, ANY TIME. And if you stop paying, the IRS will come after you and TAKE the money. They’ll tell you not to believe this because its source is a PRO gun outfit. But research it yourself. (GOA)
Can A Socialist Be Elected In Seatle?
The answer is, “Probably yes.” Because people today (most of whom pay no attention to politics) have no idea what socialism is, and how dangerous it is to their way of life, and they will disregard the fact that this woman is a socialist and vote for her in ignorance. This socialist, who has campaigned for a $15 an hour minimum wage (no matter how stupid that is) holds a 1,148-vote lead in their city council voting, and will probably win. Such is the intelligence of the Seattle voter. The stupidity of voters is why Hitler (a Nazi) was able to be voted in as chancellor in Germany, why Lenin (a communist) was voted in, in Russia (both communism and Nazism are collectivist, as is socialism), and why Barack Hussein Obama (also a socialist) was voted in as president of the United States. What this socialist AND all those who voted for her in ignorance don’t know is that $15 an hour is WAY more than an unskilled teenager is worth to ANY employer, so they won’t hire them at all and will fire many they have now. So you can expect the unemployment numbers among teenagers just entering the workforce and who have yet to gain any marketable skills to rise significantly in Seattle. The link I’m going to give you is to “The Nation,” one of the most socialistic magazines going, so don’t buy any of the bullsh-t they put out. (The Nation)
Monday, January 20, 2014
That Works BoIth Ways
An Arabic-made video warns Jews that they will “face much worse than the holocaust” in the future. But that works both ways, fools! The Arabs showed they were no match for the Jews in the “Six-Day War,” and Israel has become even stronger since. So any threats must be understood to go both ways. If Arabs attack the Jews, they’ll probably lose. And if they do, THEY could be subject to worse than the holocaust. And the Jews are probably tired enough of their treatment at the hands of ALL Islamics, INCLUDING Arabs, that they won’t be very friendly to their captives. Especially those who threatened them with “worse than the holocaust. (The Blaze)
"Common Sense?"
Whenever anti-gun bigots propose yet another unconstitutional law to limit or eliminate our right to have and use guns in self defense, they always say, “We support the Second Amendment, but…” Then follows the unconstitutional law they propose and they call it "common sense restrictions.". They know they can’t make guns themselves Illegal, so they try to make it impossible for gun owners to get their guns into action if they’re attacked by an ILLEGALLY-armed criminal, who obeys no laws, therefore is not concerned with their laws. They always call it “common sense,” but it never is. Where do these people COME from? Are they BORN hating guns? Or are they TAUGHT to hate guns by their society? More likely the latter. (The Truth About Guns)
Scarborough Slams Conservatives
His own show was cancelled after a short run and he has now written a book (for profit) that he’s promoting on NBC (for profit) while slamming conservatives for making a profit and “forcing their opinions on people.” Isn’t that what HE’S doing? He’s SUPPOSED to be a conservative, himself. But he sounds more like a liberal with his criticism of others making a profit “forcing” their opinions on others while HE does the same thing. There are some serious FOOLS out there, and Scarborough is one of them. He calls himself a conservative while spouting liberal bulldung. (Media Research Center)
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Insistent Ignorance
It amazes me how some people INSIST on being ignorant. It has been shown over and over that Benghazi was NOT a “spontaneous attack” caused by a little-known video about Islam that no one had, at the time, even seen. Even “Zero” has acknowledged it, grudgingly. But yet some people STILL insist it was NOT a terrorist act, that the video was, indeed, the cause. What they don’t say is that al-Qaida is not a “card-carrying” outfit. To be an “Islamic terrorist” does NOT require a direct connection to al-Qaida. There are as many Islamic terrorist organizations as stars in the sky. All it takes is one or more Islamic fools who want kill non-Muslims to be an “Islamic terrorist organization” (like the Boston bombers). What in addition is yet unanswered is why Hillary Clinton (acting on orders from Zero, of course) denied the defenders ANY help. And why nothing has been done about that CRIMINAL act. (Just common sense)
Blogger Threatened With Prison
It’s starting, folks. This government is now threatening a blogger who ran a video of police at work in Boston (where a recent court case reinforced the fact that such activity is a constitutionally-protected RIGHT). They accused him of “assault on a police officer” when the video records the fact that the only “assault” was BY the police officer. That’s how they work: assault you, then accuse you of assaulting THEM. This is not an “attack on all cops,” but IS an “attack on cops who exceed their authority.” Cops like these need to be FIRED. Such people should never be ALLOWED to carry a badge and a gun! (Freedom Outpost)
Muslim "Divorce"
Isn’t it interesting that under “the religion of peace” a woman can’t get a divorce if her husband won’t agree, while all he has to do is go into the street, call out her name, and say “I divorce thee” three times (talk about a double standard!). They now are using this as an excuse to establish a Sharia Court in this country to “try these cases.” But you can bet on it, they will be working HARD to expand these “courts” into every part of life—not just for Muslims, but for EVERYBODY. The “establishment” of these courts “only” for Muslims is just a “foot in the door.” Like the “camel’s nose in the tent,” soon their “courts” will have power over ALL. (They hope). This should not be allowed, but I’m afraid it will be, what with the liberal wimps we have on the bench today. (Just common sense)
Saturday, January 18, 2014
The "Global Warming" Swindle
AlGore thought he’d be president. But he came up a little short on that so he decided to be the “Green King,” protecting us against ourselves on something where we needed no protection. He called it “global warming” until it became obvious that the globe wasn’t warming and hadn’t been for years. So he changed the name of his swindle to “climate change,” which, of course, meant NOTHING, but sounded good. It would appeal to the climate crazies out there and make him a LOT of money. “Because every “progressive” cause required a designated culprit, Father GreenJeans decided to blame global warming on carbon dioxide emissions created by fossil fuel emissions. To promote his ideology, he flew hither and yon in his private, carbon-spewing jetliner, ranting and raving against oil robber barons who were killing the planet and melting polar caps with their poisonous product . . . crude oil.” His fools even made laws to tax “cow farts” and limit many different industries he thought were injuring the environment, while HE injured the environment in his airplane. We’re onto him now, all but his closest acolytes. His swindle made him a multi-billionaire, but he ought to shut it down now and live on his ill-gotten gains for the rest of his life. Even the Polar bears, who can swim hundreds of miles in cold water, are laughing at him. (The Blaze)
The UN Gun Treaty
It was taken off the table before the 2012 election because it was rightly felt it would hurt Obama’s re-election prospects. So he got re-elected and they put it back on the table a day later. I guess he figured since he didn’t need to get elected again he could violate our Constitutional rights with impunity. Now his Secretary of State has SIGNED the treaty and all that’s left is for Congress to approve. Do you think they will? Congress has shown their ignorance in many ways in recent years, what do YOU think? I’ll tell you one thing: if any “blue Helmets” come looking for my guns, I’ll give them to them, one bullet at a time.(GOA)
Is Obama Expecting An Uprising?
I think he is. He could not think that the things he has done will be accepted docilely by Americans. I personally wonder why he hasn’t been assassinated (not suggesting it, just for you feds reading this). Other presidents have been for less. Maybe Joe as VP has been an effective “insurance” against that. But look at all the bullets he’s been buying. Some think it is just to take as many bullets “off the market” as possible. I think it is to use in “putting down” an insurrection, as well. Why is he firing enough military men who don’t agree with him as possible? So they can’t “take him out of office” as the military did in Egypt? He has continued to “militarize” the cops. Since he can’t use the real military to “put down” Americans so he can use THEM to do so? He will find that difficult, I can assure you. I’m too old to get involved in such, but if I were younger, I’d be in the forefront of any attempt to remove him from office. And I’ll give him some advice: firing military men will NOT remove their ability to “take him down” without having to kill him. And just so the government spies reading this will not look at me as a subversive for wanting to remove him, I’ll say this: I favor LEGAL removal and NOT assassination. (Daily Caller)
Friday, January 17, 2014
"They're Afraid of Me"
That’s what MSNBC’s Ed Schultz said about conservatives on television recently, But 90 pound, blond, pretty Ann Coulter took umbrage to that, saying, NOT ME! Invite me on your show you damned pus-y! and find out! Nobody’s afraid of a television host with about 2 viewers, and that describes Schultz, perfectly. He’s an arrogant fool who thinks he’s more important than he is. Somebody needs to tell him he isn’t as important as he thinks he is. No word on if he “nutted up” and asked this “fiery blond” to come on his show and tear him to ribbons. He’s a good example of the puffed up liberal who thinks his word is IT, and nobody else’s means anything. And like the rest, he’s wrong. He knows NOTHING about the world on which he “reports,” and is too stupid to realize it. (The Blaze)
Gun Ban Stops Crime
Right? WRONG! They passed yet ANOTHER gun ban law in DC in 1975 and the gun crime rate went up 134%! You’d think they’d learn., but our INCOMPETENT POLITICIANS never learn. They just keep making laws that not only DON’T stop violent crime, they cause MORE of it. They can’t NOT know that these gun bans create more defenseless victims of gun crime, but they keep making them. What’s WRONG with them? Are they COMPLETELY incompetent? If so, we need to get RID of them. And that applies, right up to the president. It’s a forlorn hope for us to think our incompetent politicians will ever wake up and make the right kind of gun laws, not the kind they’ve always made. The worst thing is, it’s not only in gun control these politicians have shown their abysmal incompetence, it’s in EVERYTHING. Like in Waco during Clinton’s administration where they unleashed military people (whatever they called them) AND MURDERED 100 PEOPLE, 14 of them CHILDREN! While trying to apprehend a religious fanatic they could have arrested on one of his many trips to town. they didn't NEED to attack a "fortified compound," but they wanted to kill somebody so they did. This kind of thing CAN’T continue. If we don’t get some capable people in there, we’re lost! (Wikipedia)
Textbooks Pushing Islam
Why is this? Suddenly our textbooks (that are used to condition our children) are pushing Islam. In the United States of America! A CHRISTIAN nation! I’m not going to say I KNOW why; I don’t. But I know I can figure OUT why. Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. NO? Do you KNOW that? Or are you just parroting what others have told you? He is either a Muslim or a Muslim SYMPATHIZER. Everything he does pertaining to Muslims is FOR the Muslims and AGAINST Christians.
That’s the only way POSSIBLE that SUDDENLY the textbooks used in our schools are pushing Islam after Obama (Zero) became president. Somehow Obama got it done. Or somebody he appointed got it done because they figured he wanted it. And with the number of Muslims that have been appointed to high office by him, there has to be somebody, somewhere in this administration that gave an order for Islam to be PROMOTED and Christianity to be SIDETRACKED in school texts. There is a WAR on Christianity in this country and Obama is LEADING IT. No, I’m NOT a “conspiracy theorist.” I don’t “see a Muslim under every bed.” But I KNOW “my president.”
I’ve watched him closely for more than five years and MARVELED at the things he has gotten away with. One of those things is the favoring of Muslims in everything he does. So it’s not a stretch to think he (or his minions) would have the textbooks changed to promote Islam, and I don’t LIKE it. It makes me wonder when Americans are going to see it, too. Soon it will be a CRIME to criticize Islam in any way in THIS country, as it is in EVERY country Muslims run, if Obama has his way He has already signaled he wants a LAW to make it so. When that happens I will become a CRIMINAL because I will NEVER stop telling the truth against this abomination, and they consider that “criticism.”
If such a law is ever made (and Obama wants one) we’re DOOMED to BECOME an Islamic country. Some Muslims (who hold high office in Obama’s administration) think we already are and have SAID so, publicly. Islam talks about “religious tolerance” but Islam is the most INTOLERANT “religion” there is (if it is, indeed, as “religion” and not a political system PRETENDING to be a religion as I believe). They want to KILL anybody who criticizes Islam or its “believers.” They will want to kill ME if they read this, and you can believe they will read it. (Liberty Alliance)
That’s the only way POSSIBLE that SUDDENLY the textbooks used in our schools are pushing Islam after Obama (Zero) became president. Somehow Obama got it done. Or somebody he appointed got it done because they figured he wanted it. And with the number of Muslims that have been appointed to high office by him, there has to be somebody, somewhere in this administration that gave an order for Islam to be PROMOTED and Christianity to be SIDETRACKED in school texts. There is a WAR on Christianity in this country and Obama is LEADING IT. No, I’m NOT a “conspiracy theorist.” I don’t “see a Muslim under every bed.” But I KNOW “my president.”
I’ve watched him closely for more than five years and MARVELED at the things he has gotten away with. One of those things is the favoring of Muslims in everything he does. So it’s not a stretch to think he (or his minions) would have the textbooks changed to promote Islam, and I don’t LIKE it. It makes me wonder when Americans are going to see it, too. Soon it will be a CRIME to criticize Islam in any way in THIS country, as it is in EVERY country Muslims run, if Obama has his way He has already signaled he wants a LAW to make it so. When that happens I will become a CRIMINAL because I will NEVER stop telling the truth against this abomination, and they consider that “criticism.”
If such a law is ever made (and Obama wants one) we’re DOOMED to BECOME an Islamic country. Some Muslims (who hold high office in Obama’s administration) think we already are and have SAID so, publicly. Islam talks about “religious tolerance” but Islam is the most INTOLERANT “religion” there is (if it is, indeed, as “religion” and not a political system PRETENDING to be a religion as I believe). They want to KILL anybody who criticizes Islam or its “believers.” They will want to kill ME if they read this, and you can believe they will read it. (Liberty Alliance)
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Basic Cause of Terrorism
John (Incompetent) Kerry says the basic cause of terrorism is poverty. He couldn’t be more wrong. Most of the terrorists involved in 9/11 were well-to-do. The “main man” in Islamic terrorism, bin Laden, was “super rich.” So there goes that. The base cause of terrorism, as we know it today, (Islamic terrorism) is religious intolerance. They make no bones about it. They want to KILL everybody who believes differently than THEY do. Even other Muslims who believe differently. The fighting in Ireland was also about religious intolerance; and in Israel itself. In Ireland, it was Catholic against Protestant. In Israel it is Palestinians (Muslims) against Israel and ALL Jews. They have an unreasoning hatred of ALL that is Jewish. They want to “push Israel into the sea.” This is just another illustration of the ignorance that is rampant in DC. (Just common sense)
This Scares the Hell Out of Me!
(Muslim) Arif Alikhan is now Assistant Secretary for Policy Development in the Homeland Security Department; (Muslim) Mohammed Elibiary is a Homeland Security Advisor; Rashad Hussain (another Muslim) is Special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati (Muslim), founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director is an Obama adviser; Imam Mohamed Magid is Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of America; Eboo Patel (yet another Muslim) is on the Advisory council on Faith-Based Neighborhoods. All are Muslim Brotherhood, a known terrorist organization whether or nor Obama will admit it. This is like appointing known NAZIS to important government positions during World War II. How STUPID is this president? (Just common sense)
More reasons Not to Sign Up
There are more reasons NOT to sign up for Obama’s health care swindle than there are TO sign up. First of all, they demand ALL your personal information, UP FRONT, even before you’re allowed to BROWSE what’s available. Next, if you so much as ASK about a plan, they sign you up for it and you can’t back out. Third, the people who will READ your application have NOT been “vetted” and could well be felons looking for your personal info. They have access to ALL your personal info, can steal it and use it as they will. This is an INVITATION to “identity theft.” Frankly, if someone were trying to sell me something and these were the conditions, I would NOT buy anything they’re selling; and I recommend you not, either, and that you refuse to pay their “fine” for not buying their over priced insurance. Fourth reason is the “average price” for ALL programs is usually TWICE or THREE TIMES what you’re now paying for the same coverage. You’re “buying a pig in a poke” and should STAY AWAY. The reason I don’t have health insurance is I CAN’T AFFORD IT! Making a LAW forcing me to buy it doesn’t change that. What part of “can’t afford it” does Obama and his thugs NOT understand? This is the most FOOL thing I have ever seen a president attempt, and it is DOOMED to failure because it WILL NOT WORK for many reasons. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Remember Captain Phillips?
The captain of a ship that was taken over by Somali pirates? The one rescued by the Seals after DAYS of “negotiations?” The one the White House credited Obama’s “courageous work” for? Well, turns out his part in it was cowardly and obstructive. He insisted on having total control by instituting “rules of engagement” that the Seals could not fire unless there was “eminent danger” to the Captain. The Seals could have resolved it many times but for those restrictive “ROE.” It wasn’t until the Seal commander decided it was his decision as to the danger to the captain that the Seals, who had the bad guys in their sights, “took them out” and rescued the captain. The Seals referred to Obama as “Zero” in their report, and I think I’ll start using that term, as is fully describes this cowardly, but arrogant SOB. His “rules of engagement in Afghanistan similarly inhibit our troops over there, as they did in Iraq, making it almost impossible to do anything meaningful against the terrorists, and costing many good men their lives. As long as “Zero” is in charge, we will not make any headway against the Islamic terrorists. I frankly think he favors them and makes these impossible rules of engagement PURPOSELY to stymie our troops. (Just common sense)
Is Gabby Breaking the Law?
As usual, the “authorities IGNORE violations of the law by “anti-gun fools.” Gabby (hard head) Giffords and her astronaut husband were fingering a gun at a New York gun show with Eric Schneiderman, NY Attorney General, looking on. That’s ILLEGAL for someone who doesn’t have a “carry license” (which nobody is likely to have, since they don’t issue any) and which her husband doesn’t have, (not being a New York citizen) to TOUCH a gun. As with Sen. Feinstein (one of the most virulent anti-gun fools) when the cops helped her obtain several “assault weapons” to use in one of her anti-gun “dog and pony shows,” they look the other way when their FRIENDS ignore gun laws. (GunMart)
ObamaCare Is CRIMINAL!
Not just wrong. Not just misguided. Not just unconstitutional—CRIMINAL! If I broke into your house and redecorated it according to MY ideas of how it should look, and actually made it look better, I would still be guilty of a crime. The same is true of Obama’s health care swindle law. He SAYS it will be better for you (it's not). What business is that of his? The Constitution (the legal basis for ALL our laws) does not give a president the power to FORCE us into health care plans, even if it WOULD be better for us. That’s not his job. To do so and REQUIRE us to “sign up” for it is ALSO criminal. OBAMA is a criminal in all he does! And, unlike similar (false) claims against Bush, I can PROVE it. I have a LIST of his criminal acts—and that list doesn’t even INCLUDE Obamacare (yet; it will). Obama is a DISASTER for this country, and too few people realize that. It’s time they woke up and ran this fool out of town on a rail! (Freedom Outpost)
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Is Communism Dead?
Not in the slightest. The “fall of communism” in Russia was an excellent example of their “two steps forward, one step back” scheme to slowly advance without us noticing it, and they are being successful. Notice the SAME PEOPLE are still in charge in Russia. It’s current PRESIDENT used to run the bloody KGB. It’s STILL a socialist (collectivist) country albeit not so completely controlled (yet) by the government as before (although it is moving in that direction). By this scam they have realized many of their goals, most notably separate membership in the UN for their “former” captive nations and lack of strong scrutiny of their actions by the West. Today, a self-described communist can be appointed as a “czar” in our government, though he didn’t last long, due to immediate action by Glenn Beck and others in the radio community. But how many not-so-well-known communists have been appointed to high office, right along with the Islamic terrorists "Zero" (Obama) has appointed. This president is as subversive as they come. Why don’t we “rein him in” before he “gives away the store?” (Just common sense)
Affordable Care...NOT!
Obama calls his health care abortion, “affordable care.” It is, in fact, ANYTHING BUT “affordable.” From evidence seen, the very SAME COVERAGE they already HAD will cost them TWICE as much, or MORE. That’s NOT “affordable.” Worse yet, it’s MANDATORY. That’s patently UNCONSTITUTIONAL, regardless of the twisted form of it that was presented to the “bought and paid for” Supreme Court, and which no longer exists. It is so changed by subsequent presidential orders (illegal); it is nowhere NEAR the same law they said was constitutional. And to have the IRS, which is nothing more than a bunch of THUGS enforce the FINE (no, it’s NOT a “fee”) people must pay if they refuse to buy a “pig in a poke” at TWICE the money is CRIMINAL. This is NOT “affordable health insurance” It is an ABORTION pretending to be health insurance and is designed to bring much more power to the federal government. Why do you think it will cost twice or more as much? Because of the extra money the insurance companies must pay for the extras GOVERNMENT insisted on adding, even if they were not needed. The failure of the incompetently-created web site is just an aside, as is the fact that they KNEW when they assigned it that the Canadian company they assigned it to had already failed to create a workable similar site for Canada and had been FIRED because of it. But they STILL “invested” $600 million dollars of OUR money, hoping they could do better with more money.
Their incompetence survived, but they’re not giving the money back. Do you think Obama cares? Not a bit of it. It’s not HIS money, it’s OURS. The problem with the site is not only programming incompetence, they can’t even spell—and it appears not to have even been proofread! Worse yet, much larger and more complicated successful web sites have been built (Like Amazon), and for less money! I think the WORST thing about it is that BEFORE they will even give you information on what’s AVAILABLE they require you to input ALL your personal and financial information to “create an account.” If a private company did that, they’d be shut down by the government, and their principals put in prison. Then, if you so much as ASK about a particular plan they “sign you up” for it before even telling you how much it will cost, which is usually at least TWICE what you’re paying for a similar plan before you were CANCELLED. And they won’t let you “back out” once you see the price. They HAVE your information, which INCLUDES your bank numbers so they control that. (The Mail)
Their incompetence survived, but they’re not giving the money back. Do you think Obama cares? Not a bit of it. It’s not HIS money, it’s OURS. The problem with the site is not only programming incompetence, they can’t even spell—and it appears not to have even been proofread! Worse yet, much larger and more complicated successful web sites have been built (Like Amazon), and for less money! I think the WORST thing about it is that BEFORE they will even give you information on what’s AVAILABLE they require you to input ALL your personal and financial information to “create an account.” If a private company did that, they’d be shut down by the government, and their principals put in prison. Then, if you so much as ASK about a particular plan they “sign you up” for it before even telling you how much it will cost, which is usually at least TWICE what you’re paying for a similar plan before you were CANCELLED. And they won’t let you “back out” once you see the price. They HAVE your information, which INCLUDES your bank numbers so they control that. (The Mail)
It's Not About "A Woman's Right to Choose"
It never ceases to amaze me how politicians (on both sides) are able to couch MURDER of infants in such “nice” words as to convince others that murder is to be preferred over asking a woman who thought nothing about having UNPROTECTED SEX to actually HAVE the baby that resulted, even if she gave it away immediately after birth. Abortion is just as hard on the body as is birth, but it is “inconvenient” for her to carry it to term, so she just MURDERS the child instead. This is NOT “about woman’s right to choose what is done with her body.” If that were true, PROSTITUTION would be legal. It’s about the “convenience” of the parents. The government calls its COUNTERFEITING operation "Quantitative Easing" (whatever THAT means, but it sounds good) but it's still counterfeiting and has the same effect on the value of ALL money, whether it's done in some back room somewhere or in a polished office in the Federal Reserve. It DILUTES the value of every dollar now in existence, or which will BE in existence in the future. These are just two of the instances where politicians perform activities that would put me in PRISON if I did it, but which becomes legal when the GOVERNMENT does it, or if the government DECLARES it legal as in the case of the "legalized infanticide" called abortion. (Just common sense)
Monday, January 13, 2014
Call HIm "Zero"
The Seal Tram commander whose team rescued Capt. Phillips after Somali pirates “took over” his ship says Obama’s “rules of engagement” made it almost impossible to effect a rescue, though without them one would have been easy. Only after he decided he could decide on danger to the captain” were they able to resolve the situation in seconds. He called Obama “Zero” in his report and I think that’s a good appellation for Obama, as he IS a “zero.” His “rules of engagement” told them they could not fire on the pirates unless the captain was in imminent danger, which was cowardly and stupid. It wasn’t until the commander of the Seal Team decided he could decide what represented “imminent danger” to the captain that a situation evolved that fit his idea of “imminent danger” and they could react. Since they already had the pirates in their sights, it was over in seconds and the captain rescued after days of fruitless “negotiations” required by Obama’s (Zero’s) rules of engagement. (Just common sense)
"60 Minutes" Misses the Point
They did a story (finally) about Benghazi, but nowhere did they mention the names of Hillary Clinton, nor Barack Obama, the people who are RESPONSIBLE for those four deaths. They pretend to do stories that “contain all the facts” but, in reality, contain NONE of the IMPORTANT facts. The whole world knows Hillary REFUSED to send help that COULD have arrived in time to stop the attack, MAYBE before some of those staffers were murdered. They were close. They were ready, They were told to “stand down” by Hillary, who was relaying an order from Barack Obama. By giving them that order, they effectively MURDERED those four people. Then they LIED about the cause of the attack, pretending that it was NOT terrorism, when it WAS. Why? To cover up their “Gun-running” operation to Syria, maybe? And they want to put Hillary in the White House (again). The MURDERER of Benghazi being replaced by his ACCOMPLICE in that murder. This is how we operate these days. Elect stupidity to replace stupidity—or elect CRIMINAL to replace CRIMINAL. And the fools out there who only want a “free ride” and can count on such as Hillary to give it to them, will vote for her, and WE will end up footing the bill while they cover up their crimes. (Rush Limbaugh)
At The Extreme
Liberals teach ignorant people to hate those who “have too much.” They become “looters.” In most cases, all they try to do is “chisel” some of it out of them with the help of the “moochers” (politicians, mostly liberals) in government who tax people so much they get more of what they EARN so they can give it to those who don’t, or WON’T earn for themselves. Thus people who don’t have the talents and abilities to earn their own way are JEALOUS of those who do, and are especially jealous of those who do a good job of it. They’re taught to be that way by the professional “looters” in their government who teach them that, and keep on conditioning them to believe that. This particular case is one of that syndrome going to the extreme. An illegal Chinese alien who had been RAISED in a communist country was so incensed by successful family members who, according to his lights, “had too much,” he murdered them instead of enjoying what they were doing for him.
This kind of twisted thinking is what is made by collectivists (socialists, communists, Fascists, Progressivists) having total control over people’s minds from birth. They create an unreasoning and illogical hatred for people who can, and DO, make more than he does. We’re getting way too many people in this country; a country that was BUILT by people who were willing and capable of earning for themselves. But this is being undermined by the ignorant teachings of collectivists, who only want the power and perks that come from imposing it on the populace. They neither know, nor CARE where the money comes from, and that socialism DEPENDS on the “earners” for the money they steal. (Freedom Outpost)
This kind of twisted thinking is what is made by collectivists (socialists, communists, Fascists, Progressivists) having total control over people’s minds from birth. They create an unreasoning and illogical hatred for people who can, and DO, make more than he does. We’re getting way too many people in this country; a country that was BUILT by people who were willing and capable of earning for themselves. But this is being undermined by the ignorant teachings of collectivists, who only want the power and perks that come from imposing it on the populace. They neither know, nor CARE where the money comes from, and that socialism DEPENDS on the “earners” for the money they steal. (Freedom Outpost)
Saturday, January 11, 2014
This Is Islam
The “religion of peace.” They’ll “give YOU peace” for any reason at all, or NO reason. They beheaded these two men by sawing off their heads with rusty knives and they weren’t even very good at it. They say they did it because these men were “helping Assad.” NO evidence of a trial in a REAL court, or even in an unreal court. Just a bunch of murderers sawing people’s heads off. Ant they’re proud of it. They took these videos themselves. Notice most of them hide their faces. I guess that’s because they don’t want to be identified so that can’t happen to them. Damn these people are a bunch of pig crap. (Barracuda Brigade)
Don't Fall for It!
If you get on a web site that forces you to give them ALL your personal information, including your Social Security number and your bank numbers BEFORE they will even let you browse to see what’s available, then “locks you in” on a purchase if you so much as ASK about a particular product and just TAKE the money out of your bank account (not allowing you to ”back out,”) to pay for it, GET OUT! FAST! Don’t give them ANY information! Get away! RUN! It’s a con designed to swindle BILLIONS of dollars out of the American people and force them into socialism! The entire PROGRAM is FORCED socialism! The scam is being run by the man who conned his way into the presidency and ever since has stolen TRILLIONS of dollars while tightening his control over ALL of us while moving us ever closer to a collectivist (socialist, communist, Fascist, Progressivist) government with HIM running things forever (at least, as long as he lives). (Just common sense)
Friday, January 10, 2014
Gun Ban Stops Crime
Right? WRONG! They passed yet ANOTHER gun ban law in DC in 1975 and the gun crime rate went up 134%! You’d think they’d learn., but our INCOMPETENT POLITICIANS never learn. They just keep making useless laws that not only DON’T stop violent crime, they cause MORE of it. They can’t NOT know that these gun bans create more defenseless victims of gun crime, but they keep making them. What’s WRONG with them? Are they COMPLETELY incompetent? Or just STUPID? Either way, we need to get RID of them. And that applies, right up to the president. It’s a forlorn hope for us to think our incompetent politicians will ever wake up and make the right kind of gun laws, not the kind they’ve always made. The worstt thing is, it’s not only in gun control these politicians have shown their abysmal incompetence, it’s in EVERYTHING. Like in Waco during Clinton’s administration where they unleashed military people (whatever they called them) AND MURDERED 100 PEOPLE. 14 of them CHILDREN! While trying to apprehend a religious fanatic they could have caught downtown in Waco. This kind of thing CAN’T continue. If we don’t get some capable people in there, we’re lost! (National Journal)
This Is Islam
The “religion of peace.” They’ll “give YOU peace” for any reason at all, or NO reason. They beheaded these two men by sawing off their heads with rusty knives and they weren’t even very good at it. They say they did it because these men were “helping Assad.” NO evidence of a trial in a REAL court, or even in an unreal court. Just a bunch of murderers sawing people’s heads off. And they’re proud of it. They took these videos themselves. Notice most of them hide their faces. I guess that’s because they don’t want to be identified so that can’t happen to them. Damn these people are a bunch of pig crap. (Barracuda Brigade)
Of Buggy Whips and Snail Mail
Remember the typewriter? How about the 33-1/3 RPM, or even the 45 RPM record? How about the telephone booth? No? Why? We “outgrew them.” Better products made them obsolete. Children these days don’t even know what they are. Now take a look at the Post Office. Back in the days of the “Pony Express” it was an absolute necessity and everybody was afraid that the telegraph would make it obsolete. It didn’t, because of the high price for telegrams. Telegrams were used mostly only for the most emergency communications which needed instantaneous communication, though some used them for business communications that could not wait for “snail mail.” But now computers on every desk and sometimes in every pocket (the cell phone) have done what the telegraph could not do. The Post Office is going in the same direction as the buggy whip maker did when the automobile came along”. I expect it to be “out of business” in my lifetime, but not without a struggle and a holler. (Just common sense)
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Al Sharpton, the Pretender
Al Sharpton, race-baiter deluxe, pretends to be a human being; he also pretends to be a scientist in a recent television performance promoting global warming, which has been PROVEN to be a hoax, many times over. He says, “Global warming is REAL,” thereby again advertising his abysmal and total IGNORANCE while he pretends to be the “smartest guy in the room.” The only thing he is smart about is new and better ways to line his own pockets while promoting racism. Racism HAD been declining in this country until Barack Obama started calling ALL his critics racists for criticizing him, and Al (along with Jesse Jackson) echoed it while making millions shaking down businessmen by threatening to call them racist if they didn't give him money. Together, these three have put race relations BACK many years. He pretends to know what he’s talking about, backed by an expensive chemistry set (he wouldn't have the faintest notion how to use) and a phony white coat. The fact is, this globe has NOT been “warming” for more than 15 years; a fact ignored by him and AlGore, its principle con man. Yes, “global warming” IS real. It’s cyclical, and NOT man-made, but is not happening now. (The Blaze)
Islamic Terrorist Weapon
An 8-year-old child who doesn’t know what she’s doing. She failed, and that’s a good thing. But she’ll probably be ostracized for that by her family and the local terrorist community. They don’t like those who fail them, even if they don’t know what they’re doing. She was apparently the SISTER of a local Taliban commander. These barbarians will use ANYBODY to kill innocent people, even other innocent people. It’s a piss-poor man who would send his own SISTER on such a mission. But then we know that about ALL of them. They’re about the lowest things on the face of the Earth. This is not the first young child sent to do their dirty work. They once sent another young girl with some explosives to deliver to the cops but the damned fool terrorists blew it up and killed the girl before she could get to the cops. I don’t know what they’ll do with this one, but she’s way too young to even UNDERSTAND what she’s doing. This kind of thing makes me want to vomit. (Opposing View)
Affordable Care--NOT!
Obama calls his health care abortion, “affordable care.” It is, in fact, ANYTHING BUT “affordable.” From evidence seen, the very SAME COVERAGE they already HAD will NOW cost them TWICE as much, or MORE. That’s NOT “affordable.” Worse yet, it’s MANDATORY. That’s patently UNCONSTITUTIONAL, regardless of the twisted form of it that was presented to the “bought and paid for” Supreme Court, and which no longer exists. It is so changed by subsequent presidential orders (illegal); it is nowhere NEAR the same law they said was constitutional. And to have the IRS, which is nothing more than a bunch of THUGS enforce the FINE (no, it’s NOT a “fee”) people must pay if they refuse to buy a “pig in a poke” at TWICE the money is CRIMINAL. This is NOT “affordable health insurance” It is an ABORTION pretending to be health insurance and is designed to bring much more money to the federal government. Why do you think it will cost twice or more as much? Because of the extra money the insurance companies must pay the GOVERNMENT! The failure of the incompetently-created web site is just an aside, as is the fact that they KNEW when they assigned it that the Canadian company they assigned it to had already failed to create a workable similar site for Canada and had been FIRED because of it. But they STILL “invested” $600 million dollars of OUR money, hoping they could do better with more money.
Their incompetence survived, but they’re not giving the money back. Do you think Obama cares? Not a bit of it. It’s not HIS money, it’s OURS. The problem with the site is not only programming incompetence, they can’t even spell—and it appears not to have even been proofread! Worse yet, much larger and more complicated successful web sites have been built, and for less money! I think the WORST thing about it is that BEFORE they will even give you information on what’s AVAILABLE they require you to input ALL your personal and financial information to “create an account.” If a private company did that, they’d be shut down by the government, and their principals put in prison. Then, if you so much as ASK about a particular plan they “sign you up” for it before even telling you how much it will cost, which is usually at least TWICE what you’re paying for a similar plan before you were CANCELLED. And they won’t let you “back out” once you see the price. They HAVE your information, which INCLUDES your bank numbers so they control that. (The Mail)
Their incompetence survived, but they’re not giving the money back. Do you think Obama cares? Not a bit of it. It’s not HIS money, it’s OURS. The problem with the site is not only programming incompetence, they can’t even spell—and it appears not to have even been proofread! Worse yet, much larger and more complicated successful web sites have been built, and for less money! I think the WORST thing about it is that BEFORE they will even give you information on what’s AVAILABLE they require you to input ALL your personal and financial information to “create an account.” If a private company did that, they’d be shut down by the government, and their principals put in prison. Then, if you so much as ASK about a particular plan they “sign you up” for it before even telling you how much it will cost, which is usually at least TWICE what you’re paying for a similar plan before you were CANCELLED. And they won’t let you “back out” once you see the price. They HAVE your information, which INCLUDES your bank numbers so they control that. (The Mail)
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
A Forlorn Hope For Peace
"In 2000, two IDF reservists were lynched in Ramallah by a mob of Palestinian savages. New info has been revealed: after they were hanged, their bodies were tossed to a pack of bloodthirsty rioters, who proceeded to tear their bodies apart with their bare hands and eat their organs. The Israeli government freed the Muslim terrorist who gleefully waved his bloody hands after the lynching of the two Israeli soldiers. Another release for ‘peace.’ " which shows the futility of releasing bloody murderers in hopes of gaining peace. This only shows weakness and makes Islamic terrorists roll on the floor in laughter while plotting more atrocities against Israel. When are they going to learn you can’t “negotiate” with barbarians? The only way to “solve” the Palestinian problem is genocide. That’s the only thing they will understand. They call themselves a “peaceful religion.” But they are a violent mob, bent on genocide. What they need is the same. (Israel National News)
Finding New Taxes
Politicians work HARD to find new ways to tax us, and the situation in Oregon is a good example: Now, instead of taxing you on the number of gallons of gas you use, they’re looking at taxing you on the number of MILES you travel. People are driving less these days, and buying more fuel-efficient cars. Politicians urge that kind of thing, in their incompetence never seeing the loss of revenue that causes. Then when they get desperate for money, they find new ways to tax us. Motorists will still pay the federal gas tax and how long will it be before Oregon re-institutes the gas tax in ADDITION to the per mile tax.? Notice the Oregon government is dominated by DEMOCRATS, Taxpayers are concerned with the possibility the state could keep track on where they go, since one of the methods is GPS-based. Another problem is the$200 per vehicle cost of the equipment required to keep track of the miles. Will the state pay for that, of will the taxpayer? So far, it is the taxpayer, of course (We can't expect the STATE to pay for that stuff, can we?). Another problem with the current system they never considered is that electric car drivers pay NO gas tax. And I doubt they’ll clamor to sign up. The last paragraph in the story is patently untrue. It says that state governments don’t like to institute new taxes. Makes me wonder what the writer has been smoking. And lookie here! The source is Fox. Is anybody else covering it? (Fox News Politics)
A Knife As Self-Defense
Many people say a man with a knife who is not trained in its use is asking for trouble. Maybe so. But a knife can make all the difference in the world if your attacker doesn’t know you have it and he doesn’t have a knife or a gun. He relies on his bigness or “toughness” to overpower you, but a quick slice to his throat or other vulnerable places like his stomach or even his crotch can stop him. And knives are good for so many other things: like opening boxes, for instance. Cut wood, do limited woodwork, etc. They can also be used to enlarge a hole when installing a lock or cutting food like an apple. There are basically two ways to hold a knife for self-defense. They don’t necessarily work in a knife fight with a skilled adversary, but will work with an unarmed attacker who doesn’t know you have it: the “hammer” grip. Like you’d hold a hammer for stabbing into the stomach or neck or the reverse hammer grip, for slashing. Don’t try to give him “the death of a thousand cuts.” Just “rip him” if you’re being attacked. Anywhere you can cut him WILL hurt, and make him think twice about attacking you. Any heavy item is good for throwing or striking. Just remember, there are many good weapons always within reach. You just have to recognize them and use them properly. (Just common sense)
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Liberals Are Incompetent
They ARE. It’s not just my opinion, it’s FACT. Everything they push is a fruitless effort to overcome the incompetence of Democrats/liberals. The Republicans now are pushing the idea of “Economic Freedom ZONES.” Why? What do we NEED “Economic Freedom Zones” for? Economic freedom is the very reason why America has surpassed ALL other nations in the world economically, some of which have been around for THOUSANDS of years. So why would we need to “limit” “economic freedom” to a “zone?” They Think we can “spend our way to economic success.” They take our money and set out to prove it, and the only thing they prove is that you CAN’T. Most of them are socialists Which involves STEALING from the PRODUCERS of new wealth who have EARNED it, and GIVING that stolen to people who have NOT. This is complete foolishness and has resulted in many municipalities including New York City (which was “bailed out” by the liberals in the federal government), Chicago, Detroit, and others going BROKE.
Why do people keep electing liberal Democrats and even some liberal REPUBLICANS? Because they make up good-sounding SLOGANS widely accepted by people who proudly do NOT “pay attention to politics” until just before an election, and who fall prey to their “catchy slogans,” most of which mean NOTHING. Federally, they’ve created a situation where they have spent more money than there IS. More than all other administrations PUT TOGETHER and are now running a COUNTERFEITING operation (printing money) to make up for it. Instead of being the richest country in the world now, we are a DEBTOR NATION, in debt to our ENEMIES; a debt that is going to have to be paid off by our GRANDCHILDREN. They created this situation by passing a law in 1976 (The “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1976”) that REQUIRED banks to loan money to people they KNEW could not EVER repay it, an act that GUARANTEED bankruptcy in the future so they could, at their leisure, cause an economic dislocation that would allow them to take over the government.
They created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to “buy up” the bad mortgages thus created to “keep the lid on” until they were ready. They were ready just before the 2008 election and they “pulled the plug’ on Fannie and Freddie to create the economic dislocation they BLAMED on Bush and the Republicans, thus taking over (for a time) all three houses of government. Then they lifted the impediment to operation on Fannie and Freddie once they got in power and gave them unlimited amounts of money to put the lid back on while Democrats were in power. They are still spending money like water and gleefully printing (counterfeiting) money like crazy, thus making every dollar in existence worth LESS to cover up their incompetence. They ARE good at getting elected, and covering up their massive incompetence. They DEPEND on people “not paying attention to politics,” thus being IGNORANT of their depredations.
We are in a life and death struggle with Islamic terrorists, and Obama is GIVING THEM MONEY to use in building their infrastructure so they can better kill Americans. He unwisely “pulled out” of Iraq before the terrorists were BEATEN (they were only keeping on the “down-low” until we were gone) and now they are in a resurgence, taking over several towns in Iraq while Iraq forces are unable to cope with them. He is talking about leaving Afghanistan too, which will cause the same thing to happen there. People criticize me for “being against liberals,” but forget just how DANGEROUS liberals are to our welfare. If we don’t “rein in” the liberals, we’re LOST. We will go “down the tubes” along with Russia, Greece, and many other countries including Cuba (which is struggling with the help of other collectivist {socialist, communist} nations), but which WILL collapse, and soon, leaving a void that will undoubtedly be filled by other collectivists, as is Russia.
I don’t mean just getting rid of DEMOCRATS, who are almost 100% liberals, but the liberals in the Republican Party, too, and installing somebody who is COMPETENT in their places. People like Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, Alan West, and a few others who have been sufficiently DEMONIZED by the Democrats that most people who don’t pay attention think they would be the wrong choice. To my mind, the very FACT they have been demonized by Democrats tells me Democrats are sorely AFRAID of them, and entrenched Republicans (RINOS), too. Obama, who came out of nowhere and conned his way into the presidency, has done his best to move this country ever closer to collectivism (socialism, communism). His health care swindle law has caused a BIG movement toward it, depending, as it does, on young and healthy people who don’t NEED health insurance to pay for the insurance needed by older, more prone to illness people.
That’s communism, pure and simple. And making it MANDATORY is the tipoff. He’s nearing the end of his allowable term, but I’d BET he’s thinking of ways to IGNORE election law (as New York Mayor Bloomberg did) and stay in office on some pretense. He has ignored the Constitution in many ways in other areas of the law, and there’s nothing to keep him from ignoring election laws. The Founders erred in not prescribing PUNISHMENT (other than having unconstitutional laws reversed) for DOING unconstitutional things and nobody seems to have the gonads to DO anything about his actions so he gets away with it. We need to get rid of THIS man as well as his close accomplices, and SOON. He is the instrument of our downfall and if he keeps on, he will become the Hitler of America; a dictator who can’t be stopped, short of revolution. I’m not trying to START one, but I fear that’s what it will take to get rid of him. I hope not. (Just common sense)
Why do people keep electing liberal Democrats and even some liberal REPUBLICANS? Because they make up good-sounding SLOGANS widely accepted by people who proudly do NOT “pay attention to politics” until just before an election, and who fall prey to their “catchy slogans,” most of which mean NOTHING. Federally, they’ve created a situation where they have spent more money than there IS. More than all other administrations PUT TOGETHER and are now running a COUNTERFEITING operation (printing money) to make up for it. Instead of being the richest country in the world now, we are a DEBTOR NATION, in debt to our ENEMIES; a debt that is going to have to be paid off by our GRANDCHILDREN. They created this situation by passing a law in 1976 (The “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1976”) that REQUIRED banks to loan money to people they KNEW could not EVER repay it, an act that GUARANTEED bankruptcy in the future so they could, at their leisure, cause an economic dislocation that would allow them to take over the government.
They created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to “buy up” the bad mortgages thus created to “keep the lid on” until they were ready. They were ready just before the 2008 election and they “pulled the plug’ on Fannie and Freddie to create the economic dislocation they BLAMED on Bush and the Republicans, thus taking over (for a time) all three houses of government. Then they lifted the impediment to operation on Fannie and Freddie once they got in power and gave them unlimited amounts of money to put the lid back on while Democrats were in power. They are still spending money like water and gleefully printing (counterfeiting) money like crazy, thus making every dollar in existence worth LESS to cover up their incompetence. They ARE good at getting elected, and covering up their massive incompetence. They DEPEND on people “not paying attention to politics,” thus being IGNORANT of their depredations.
We are in a life and death struggle with Islamic terrorists, and Obama is GIVING THEM MONEY to use in building their infrastructure so they can better kill Americans. He unwisely “pulled out” of Iraq before the terrorists were BEATEN (they were only keeping on the “down-low” until we were gone) and now they are in a resurgence, taking over several towns in Iraq while Iraq forces are unable to cope with them. He is talking about leaving Afghanistan too, which will cause the same thing to happen there. People criticize me for “being against liberals,” but forget just how DANGEROUS liberals are to our welfare. If we don’t “rein in” the liberals, we’re LOST. We will go “down the tubes” along with Russia, Greece, and many other countries including Cuba (which is struggling with the help of other collectivist {socialist, communist} nations), but which WILL collapse, and soon, leaving a void that will undoubtedly be filled by other collectivists, as is Russia.
I don’t mean just getting rid of DEMOCRATS, who are almost 100% liberals, but the liberals in the Republican Party, too, and installing somebody who is COMPETENT in their places. People like Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, Alan West, and a few others who have been sufficiently DEMONIZED by the Democrats that most people who don’t pay attention think they would be the wrong choice. To my mind, the very FACT they have been demonized by Democrats tells me Democrats are sorely AFRAID of them, and entrenched Republicans (RINOS), too. Obama, who came out of nowhere and conned his way into the presidency, has done his best to move this country ever closer to collectivism (socialism, communism). His health care swindle law has caused a BIG movement toward it, depending, as it does, on young and healthy people who don’t NEED health insurance to pay for the insurance needed by older, more prone to illness people.
That’s communism, pure and simple. And making it MANDATORY is the tipoff. He’s nearing the end of his allowable term, but I’d BET he’s thinking of ways to IGNORE election law (as New York Mayor Bloomberg did) and stay in office on some pretense. He has ignored the Constitution in many ways in other areas of the law, and there’s nothing to keep him from ignoring election laws. The Founders erred in not prescribing PUNISHMENT (other than having unconstitutional laws reversed) for DOING unconstitutional things and nobody seems to have the gonads to DO anything about his actions so he gets away with it. We need to get rid of THIS man as well as his close accomplices, and SOON. He is the instrument of our downfall and if he keeps on, he will become the Hitler of America; a dictator who can’t be stopped, short of revolution. I’m not trying to START one, but I fear that’s what it will take to get rid of him. I hope not. (Just common sense)
Muslim "Cotribution to Science"
As usual, it’s a bunch of bulldung. They have contributed very little to science, and the evidence is the almost complete lack of any Muslim being given a Nobel Prize in science. I know they give out Nobel Peace Prizes like candy, but the prize for excellence in SCIENCE is a little harder to come by. At this writing, there have been only TWO Nobels in science awarded to Muslims, one of which had to move OUT of his Muslim country because of restrictions on his work that did not allow him the FREEDOM to do it. So the next time a Muslim (or Obama) brags about all the “contributions” Muslims have made to science, remind him of this. (Bare Naked Islam)
It's Too Much
I have THREE main blogs TRYING to bring as much TRUTH to you as possible. But I’m an old man. I’m 76 and there is only so much time I can sit at this computer and type before I must rest for a time. Even so, I have 275 items backed up, ready to be posted in all my blogs and no energy to post them all. I have no problem FINDING material, but little time to post it. I was relieved of some of my work when Town Hall closed down ALL of its “citizen blogs” recently (they didn’t say why). So that killed my "THOMA$ REPORT." At the same time, I brought the number of daily posts in my (now) main blog, “The Bull Cutter” back up to three a day, which will help me clear out some of the backlog. But the main problem remains my lack of energy. But I will continue this work as long as I am able. I promise. (Just common sense)
Monday, January 6, 2014
Obama's Phony SSN
He has used the number of one Harry Bounel (deceased) and has fought vociferously every effort to get to the bottom of this. Two people have died trying to get to the bottom of it. Andrew Breitbart died (under suspicious circumstances) the day before he was to have “vetted” Obama’s birth certificate and the woman who “issued” that phony Hawaiian birth certificate died in a plane crash and cannot ever testify as to whether or not Obama forces paid her off. This isn’t the first court judgment against Obama in this fight, and none have made any difference at all. He has simply ignored them and nobody has had the gonads to enforce them. We will get to the bottom of this one day, but I fear it will be too late. Obama will have, as Michelle said after his second inauguration, “Finished what he came here to do,” and that’s to “change” this country from a free market country into a socialist country, against all odds. (Freedom Outpost)
Fareed Zakaria Is A Fool
And CNN is run by fools for keeping him on the payroll. Recently he “admonished” conservatives for their “vehement criticism” of Obama and the liberals, telling them to “lighten up.” Never mind that the most vehement criticism comes from liberals, and most of it is based on LIES. It is people like those running CNN who will be responsible if Islam DOES manage to “take over America” in the end. Democrats want to charge Republicans with sedition for disagreeing with their “bully boy, “ Obama, but I think the top CNN executives are REALLY guilty of sedition for allowing this fool to bray to good Americans and call them names. (MRC)
Why Gun Laws Won't Work
Gun laws, as constituted today, can do NOTHING to stop gun violence such as happened at the Navy Yard. But don’t try and tell the “santi-gun fools” that. They have the idea they can stop CRIMINALS, who obey NO laws, from carrying guns by making a LAW. They’re DELUSIONAL. All those laws do is stop honest, reliable people, who don’t go out and randomly shoot and kill innocent people from having the means to their own self-defense, a gun. They seem to have ideas that are “set in concrete” and will never waiver from their beliefs, regardless of common sense. Simply making it more costly in terms of prison sentences and actually ENFORCING that law might be more effective. But they don’t listen. They think their theories are the only ones to consider while the laws they make only cause more gun deaths to people who cannot defend themselves against the illegal guns in the hands of criminals. (National Journal)
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Obama Blasts GOP for "Being on Vacation"
While he enjoys his ten (or more) days of vacation in Hawaii. Who the HELL does he think he is to criticize the GOP for doing exactly the same thing HE is doing? And at OUR expense? When congresspeople go home for Christmas, it’s mostly at their own expense (except for travel costs, which are paid by the government). When Obama does it, WE pay for ALL of it, INCLUDING travel expenses. Yes, I know, he reimburses us for SOME of that, but not for anywhere near ALL of it (including security). Where the hell does he get off criticizing the GOP for doing exactly what HE is doing, and which he does many times a year? Damn, what a self-serving FOOL this man is! He calls HIS vacation “rare and unusual.” For Obama, going on vacation is about as “rare” as taking a dump in the morning when you have diarrhea. I’ve seen some presidents I didn’t much approve of, but never as piss-poor as this one. He’s not only a con man and a crook, he’s an arrogant one, too. He flaunts it. (Just common sense)
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