Tuesday, December 10, 2013

MSNBC Full of Fools

They search hard every day for yet another way to make Americans think that ANY criticism of Obama is racism. But that is a form of racism in itself. Today’s effort is centered on the word, “Obamacare.” So, okay. I won’t use it. I’ll call it what it is: “Obama’s health care swindle.” Frankly, I don’t give a damn if he’s PURPLE. His “signature law” has DESTROYED the medical profession already by pricing it out of sight. It is a COMMUNIST system, and will continue to be so, whatever color he CHOOSES to be. It has TRIPLED costs instead of lowering them as he promised. Most of his policies are collectivist (of which communism is just one form), and THAT’S what I have against him, be he black OR white. The fools at MSNBC can vilify me all they want, truth is truth. Things like this are reasons why MSNBC is “slowly sliding into the quicksand” and will probably not last out the year. If it does it will be because of the freeloaders. (Daily Clash)

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