Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Sickening Display

This is going to get me in trouble with a certain segment of people, but I’m going to say it, anyway because I tell things like they are, despite what certain ignorant people think: Obama and many dignitaries (the “usual suspects,” including Jesse Jackson and Oprah) are all in S. Africa to “honor” a despicable murdering terrorist who has his Entire country and most of the countries of the world fooled into thinking he was  “good man” while MACHINES sign bills into law in America (is that even legal?). That's like America "honoring" the death of Osama bin Laden after his people murdered 3,000 innocent people at the World Trade Center at his behest. This man, who was imprisoned for almost 30 years on charges from when he headed a terrorist organization that not only CONDONED the bloody murder of innocent people to support his “cause,” he probably even committed some, himself. One only has to look at a video of his supporters slamming a concrete block onto a small woman in the street several times, while others stomped her head, killing her, to understand that. Yet the world dismisses such things as “necessary” to get rid of apartheid. That’s a LOAD of stinky brown stuff, and people like Obama just don’t understand that. Moreover they APPROVE of it. (Just common sense)

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