Thursday, December 26, 2013

"Getting Around" Congress

His Majesty, King Obama thinks Congress is “lazy” because it won’t pass his unconstitutional anti-gun legislation. It doesn’t enter his head that they might—just MIGHT think his gun control issues are a lot of hooey and that he's full of beans (or other stuff not so edible, brown in color). “Gun-control legislation failed loudly following the Newtown school shooting, but that has not stopped President Obama from 'leaving Congress behind' to launch a broad gun-control campaign of his own. After the December 2012 massacre and the Navy Yard mass shooting Monday, Obama has taken 25 separate gun-control initiatives, all of which came from executive actions that did not require congressional authorization.” In there he has committed many impeachable offenses, but until SOMEBODY “grows a pair” and DOES something, he will continue to get away with his lawlessness. We're bring governed by organized crime! (Eagle Rising)

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