Friday, December 13, 2013

Do You Want Sharia Here?

In Pakistan, you can be sentenced to death for not believing in Islam, as this woman was. Another Christian was sentenced to life in prison for the same “crime.” This was after many demands that she “convert to Islam,” which she refused. Her very statement of her Christian Faith was taken as “evidence” of her apostasy. The Governor of her state, who came out in her defense, was shot by his own bodyguards while the others stood by and watched. The only reason this woman is still alive is because the death penalty was suspended. She remains in prison under a death sentence notwithstanding; and there’s no telling what horrors she has been subjected to by people who think of her only as a “blasphemer.” Even so, she is afraid of being poisoned in prison, as have several others jailed on similar “charges.” People are working tirelessly to bring Sharia Law here. Would you like to see this abomination come here? Would you like to be beaten and imprisoned for not believing in that ridiculous “religion” of Islam? Think about it, and fight it to the death. (Trending Central)

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