Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Two Kinds of Rich

Obama and other liberals hate “the rich.” Even though HE is rich, having written two books that have made him very successful. He forgets that. One kind of rich people get rich by coming up with a product or service that many people want to buy, work hard to make it and spend a lot of their own money to accomplish it. These are the people Obama and other liberals hate even though they are the ones who create ALL the jobs and whose profits IMPROVE the economy (The government CANNOT improve the economy, OR create jobs. All it can do is stand in the way.).

The other kind is the person who either inherited it or married it, as with John Kerry, the 2008 Democrat presidential candidate, (whose second rich wife is heiress to the Heinz catchup fortune). These people scam as much as they can from the government in the form of subsidies and loans they never repay. (Solyndra is an excellent example of this kind and was made up of Obama contributors). They are “leeches on society.” They are the ones who SHOULD be hated but they are the ones the liberals LOVE, since so many of them ARE liberals. This kind of “rich” creates NO product or service. They create no jobs unless the government supports them. (Just common sense)

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